“Try me” - Customs Commissioner Rubio encourages businessmen to seek authority to apprehend trade violators during the first CICAC Meeting 菲華工商總會領導同仁受海關局邀請參加海關產業諮詢和顧問委員會會議

On February 28, 2024 at two o’clock in the afternoon, the first meeting of the Customs Industry Consultative and Advisory Council also known as CICAC was held at the Office of the Commissioner, Bureau of Customs, South Harbor, Port Area, Manila.

Among the seventeen prominent business and trade groups present was the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) which was represented by its President, Mr. Samuel Lee Uy; Vice President, Mr. Paul Yeung; Director, Edwin John Ty; Vice Chairman, Mr. Ramon Uy; and Secretariat, Ms. Mexica Bausa.

The meeting started with the introduction of the participants and the Commissioner, Hon. Bienvenido Rubio, led by Director John M. Simon, who is also the Head of the CICAC Secretariat. Among the esteemed attendees was the Vice President of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Bryan Ang; the Chairman of Federation of Filipino Chinese Chambers of Commerce & Industry, Inc., Mr. Ricardo Yu; and the President of Distilled Spirits Association of the Philippines, Ms. Olivia Lim Pe Aw.

Afterwards, the Customs Commissioner who is also the CICAC Chairman gave a message highlighting his administration’s desire to propagate transparency, proactive engagement, constructive dialogue, and shared commitment to progress. Commissioner Rubio even said “try me” to the attendees, motivating them to seek his authority to apprehend trade violators and achieve optimal trade facilitation performance.000000000

The meeting lasted for almost two hours and touched upon several vital topics including the World Customs Organization’s National Time Release Study (TRS) to be held at the Manila International Container Port this year, and the proposed implementation of the ATA Carnet System in the Philippines to further attract foreign investment and business ventures.

The ATA Carnet System took a long journey, but at last, it will be finally implemented starting July 25, 2024 with PCCI as the head member of the ATA Guaranteeing Team.

CFBCI President Samuel Uy expressed his huge admiration towards the Commissioner for his courage to transform the Bureau of Customs into a staunch vanguard of excellence and innovation in the country, and even in the ASEAN region. The Commissioner then replied with immense gratitude and reminded the attendees that their actions will always affect other players hence the call for greater cooperation.

The meeting ended smoothly and the attendees took a group photo outside the Customs buildings. The next CICAC Meeting will be held on the third week of March 2024.

菲華工商總會訊:本會理事長黃書瑋偕同副理事長楊良田,董事鄭奕偉,常務理事顏漢龍及英文秘書梅西卡等人,應海關局邀請,於二月二十八日(星期三)下午二時出席假海關局會議室召開的首次海關產業諮詢和顧問委員會(Customs Industry Consultative and Advisory Council簡稱CICAC)會議。海關局長比恩韋尼多.盧比奧(Commissioner Bienvenido Rubio)親自主持,CICAC秘書處處長約翰.西蒙(Director John Simon)擔任司儀。

會議首先是由CICAC秘書處處長約翰.西蒙向大家介紹海關局長比恩韋尼多.盧比奧,及本次出席參加的商會、公司及其他相關企業和行業協會等代表。並簡介CICAC 是由在國內經營的最值得信賴、最誠實、最守法的公司和行業組織/協會所組成。


隨後,會議內容就本年度即將在馬尼拉國際貨櫃港口舉辦的世界海關組織的國家時限釋放研究(World Customs Organization’s National Time Release Study)及擬議實施暫准進口證(ATA Carnet System)等議題交換意見。經過二個多小時的討論後,最後通過於今年七月二十五日將開始實施暫准進口證,由菲律濱工商總會擔任實施暫准進口證保薦單位的主辦單位。


中圖:(左至右)梅西卡,鄭奕偉,Destileria Limtuaco酒公司總裁胡林美智,黃書瑋,比恩韋尼多.盧比奧局長,楊良田,顏漢龍。