Together again - CFBCI welcomes13th Biennial National Convention provincial delegates 菲華工商總會十三次會員大會機場迎接外省會員代表團蒞岷

A day before the start of the 13th Biennial National Convention of the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc., delegates from the provinces of Cebu, Tabaco, Naga, and Bacolod arrived in Manila. Several CFBCI officers offered a warm welcome to such delegates in the morning of February 19, 2024.

On behalf of CFBCI, Vice President Gerald Chan, Vice President Paul Yeung, Vice Chairman Gilbert Kua Yan Yee, Plenary Member Benito Uy, and others patiently waited at the airport to greet their beloved colleagues who flew from the provinces to celebrate the Convention.

The reunion was followed by a sumptuous banquet hosted by President Stephen T. Sia and Executive Vice President Samuel Lee Uy at the Fortune Mansion Seafoods Restaurant located in Maria Orosa St., Malate, Manila.


