SINAG President and CFBCI Vice Chairman Rosendo So delivers speech on food sovereignty, importation, and security during CFBCI’s 5th Monthly Plenary Meeting 菲華工商總會第十四屆第五次理事會議邀請農業發展協會主席蘇文琳任主講人

On 19 June 2024, at 6:00 p.m., the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) led by President Samuel Lee Uy held its fifth monthly plenary meeting at the CFBCI 8th Floor Auditorium in Binondo, Manila. To offer valuable information and insights to the participating officers, members, and other individuals, Samahang Industriya ng Agrikultura (SINAG) President and CFBCI Vice Chairman Rosendo So was invited as keynote speaker.

Samahang Industriya ng Agrikultura (SINAG) is a civil society group that aims to protect the interests of the agricultural sector by promoting transparency, lobbying legislative actions for the development of the sector, and urging government agencies and officials to execute positive solutions to prominent issues. SINAG is currently led by Chairman Rosendo So who is also a Vice Chairman in the External Affairs Committee of CFBCI and the Founding Chairman of ABONO Partylist.

During the meeting which was graced with the attendance and active participation of fifty (50) individuals, Mr. Rosendo So gave an informative and enlightening presentation with the title “Why Philippines Cannot Reach Food Sovereignty and Need to Import For Our Food Security.” Rice prices in other countries are reported to continue to rise which eventually affect local rice prices in the Philippines. Since the world market price of rice is skyrocketing, its landed cost also increases leading to much more expensive imported rice.

All attendees listened carefully to Mr. Rosendo So’s talk backed with legitimate data and compelling insights. Everyone agreed with Mr. Rosendo So in his stance that the national agricultural sector needs great attention now more than ever. As the price of rice continues to increase, more and more Filipinos, especially the urban poor, can no longer afford this staple and eventually suffer from worse hunger.

After the meeting, a plaque of appreciation was awarded to the speaker by CFBCI officers. Since March 2024, CFBCI has begun a tradition of inviting excellent speakers from various backgrounds to attend its monthly plenary meeting and lead empowering conversations with CFBCI members. As an organization, CFBCI strongly advocates for the enhancement of knowledge and skills of its members, particularly on areas related to trade and business, hence the continuation of this tradition.

菲華工商總會訊:本會第十四屆第五次理事會議,於六月十九日(星期三)下午假本會七樓會議室召開,由本會理事長黃書瑋親自主持,通過多項重要議題。理事會議結束後,邀請農業發展協會(Samahang Industriya ng Agrikultura簡稱SINAG)主席、ABONO政黨創黨主席、亦為本會外交委員會副主任蘇文琳(Mr. Rosendo So)擔任主講人,當天共有五十多位同仁出席聆聽。



