Sama-sama tayong babangon! - CFBCI conducts relief operations in Bulakan, Bulacan and Rodriguez, Rizal to spark hope to Typhoon Carina victims 菲華工商總會配合「菲中愛心基金」賑災武六干及羅德里格斯受災戶感謝華社愛心

This week, the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) conducted a series of relief operations in Brgy. Perez and Brgy. Taliptip in Bulakan, Bulacan (07 Aug 2024); and Brgy. San Rafael in Rodriguez (formerly known as Montalban) in Rizal (09 August 2024). This was done in collaboration with the FILIPINO TSINO MAGKAIBIGAN FOUNDATION which is a congregation of 32 Tsinoy community organizations that aims to extend immediate assistance to our brothers and sisters affected by natural disasters such as typhoons and flooding.

On 07 August 2024, at 9:00a.m., officers and members of CFBCI headed to Bulakan, Bulacan to distribute relief packs to at least 300 residents in two barangays severely affected by the Super Typhoon Carina (international name: Gaemi) in July. CFBCI was overwhelmed with the warm welcome of barangay leaders namely: Hon. Sonny Villanueva, captain of Brgy. Perez, and Hon. Philly Ramos, kagawad of Brgy. Taliptip. The assisted the organization to maintain order during the distribution of relief packs containing rice, canned goods, instant noodles, and instant coffee packets to the residents.

Afterwards, the group comprising of Vice President Paul Yeung, Director Daniel Zhu and his son, Frank Zhu, Vice Chairman Henry Tiu, Vice Chairman Linda Lao, Plenary Member Nixon Co, English Secretary Mexica Bausa, and CFBCI Alumna Melonick Casipe headed to the next destination - the coastal barangay of Taliptip where the water rose above the height of a normal adult. All the residents wore big smiles as they properly lined up to receive the relief packs.

Two days later, on 09 August 2024, CFBCI visited another locale to continue its relief operations. Director Richard Alviar, Vice Chairman Henry Tiu, Vice Chairman Linda Lao, Vice Chairman Jack Wong, and scholars of Pagharap sa Pangarap College Scholarship Program went to Brgy. San Rafael, Rodriguez, Rizal to distribute a total of 500 relief packs. Among other barangays of Rodriguez, Brgy. San Rafael experienced extensive damage caused by Typhoon Carina and many residents were moved to evacuation centers due to the intense rise of floodwater in the area. The barangay chairwoman and councilor, Hon. Judith Cruz, warmly welcomed and assisted the group. Mr. Gino Chen, official of the Federation of Filipino-Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Inc. (FFCCCII), also joined the distribution.

At present, CFBCI in collaboration with the benevolent FILIPINO TSINO MAGKAIBIGAN FOUNDATION has reached thousands of Filipinos displaced by Typhoon Carina. We sincerely extend our deepest gratitude to our benefactors and the government officials who assisted us in this project. Hopefully, through these small gestures of kindness, we can spark hope to our kababayans struggling in the aftermath of this disaster.

菲華工商總會訊:颱風「卡麗娜」(國際名「凱米」)雖然沒有直接登陸菲律濱,但是其所引進的西南氣流對呂宋島北部地區,包括國家首都地區各城市造成嚴重災情,於五天內引發至少十二起土石流和水患,造成至少卅八人喪命,並有六十萬人無家可歸,其中三萬五千人緊急前往避難所;本國共有一百十八個城鎮處於災難狀態。本會配合「菲中愛心基金」發揮「人溺己溺,人飢己飢」的人道救援精神,分別於八月七日和九日前往武六干省武六干市(Bulakan, Bulacan)及黎剎省羅德里格斯市(Rodriguez, Rizal)等地多個描籠涯派發救濟品予當地颱風災民。

八月七日(星期三),本會副理事長楊良田率領董事朱少華,常務理事許有福、留牡丹,理事朱恆杰、施純維,西文秘書梅西卡及「點亮未來」學友會成員Melonick Casipe等人一大早驅車前往武六干省武六干市與「菲中愛心基金」成員單位之一的菲律濱福建青年聯合總商會常務副會長侯明智會合,共同為描籠涯培瑞茲(Barangay Perez)及描籠涯達利利(Barangay Taliplip)兩地共約三百戶颱風災民派發救濟品,受到描籠涯培瑞茲主席Sonny Villanueva及描籠涯達利利幹事Philly Ramos等人的熱烈歡迎,並在當地描籠涯成員的協助下,將救濟品送到每一戶災民手中。

八月九日(星期五),本會董事曾煥眉率領常務理事許有福、留牡丹、王輝益及本會多位「點亮未來」受助生與「菲中愛心基金」成員單位菲華商聯總會代表秘書長助理陳光燦等人,於上午集合,並一同前往黎剎省羅德里格斯市描籠涯聖惹法爾(Barangay San Rafael)派發救濟品予當地約五百戶颱風災民,並受到當地描籠涯主席Judith Cruz及協助人員Michael del Rosario的熱情迎接,並將救濟品親自派發給受災民眾。此兩次救災活動共惠及八百個災戶民眾。


左圖組:八月七日向武六干省武六干市描籠涯培瑞茲(Barangay Perez)及描籠涯達利利(Barangay Taliplip)兩地共約三百戶颱風災民派發救濟品。
右圖組:八月九日向黎剎省羅德里格斯市描籠涯聖惹法爾(Barangay San Rafael)派發救濟品予當地約五百戶颱風災民。