Local colleagues and Chinese businessmen of Isabela host a banquet for CFBCI Metro Manila Delegation菲華工商總會伊沙迷拉巡訪團受到當地同仁及華商設宴款待

The Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) Metro Manila delegation was warmly received by the local colleagues and Chinese businessmen of the Organization in Isabela. Their local colleagues and Chinese businessmen hosted a sumptuous dinner at Kabayan’s Grill during the night of July 24, 2023.

The guests were joined by Isis Dominique T. Uy, Mayor of Burgos City, and her husband Kervin Uy, former Mayor of Burgos City. They joined the party and enjoyed authentic Filipino food while reminiscing with each other.

The next day at noon, the Philippine Lam-an Association, Inc. Permanent Honorary President Leoncio Tan and former Aurora City Mayor William Uy hosted a generous banquet for the delegation at the Golden Season Guest House. Members of the Philippine Lam-an Association, Inc. offered CFBCI a souvenir after the meal and took a group photo.

Members of the delegation went to Isabela for a three-day and two-night tour, where they were warmly received by their local colleagues and Chinese businessmen. Then, arrangements were made for lodging, transportation, and business visits. Though a typhoon passed through the area, everything went smoothly, and the members of the delegation were grateful for the hospitality they received.

菲華工商總會訊:本會理事長謝國萬帶隊,執行副理事長黃書瑋,副理事長楊良田、林天德、施茵茵,常務理事鄭奕偉、朱肖華,理事顏漢龍,中文秘書蔡艷霞和英文秘書Mexica Bausa一行十人,組成外省巡迴訪問團,於七月二十四日造訪伊沙迷拉省,受到本會當地同仁及華商熱情接待,並於當晚在Kabayan’s Grill餐廳設宴,為巡訪團成員接風餐敍。是晚應邀出席的還有Burgos市華裔市長鄭雅勻Isis Dominique T. Uy(亦是本會常務理事鄭奕偉的女兒)和其夫婿Burgos市前市長黃清河Kervin Uy。大家坐成一排長桌,一邊享用道地的菲律濱佳餚,一邊敘舊,歡聲笑語,空氣裡洋溢著一片輕鬆愉快的氣氛。

第二天中午受到菲律濱南安同鄉總會永遠名譽理事長陳光曦和Aurora市前市長黃樞珩William Uy熱情邀約,設宴豐年賓館Golden Season Guest House招待巡訪團成員,菲律濱南安同鄉總會東北呂宋分會成員出席作陪,餐後兩會互贈紀念品並合影留念。


中圖:菲律濱南安同鄉總會東北呂宋分會贈送字畫紀念品給本會巡訪團。(前排左起)郊亞鄢菲華商會理事長潘祖培,洪振山,Maximillian 酒店東家潘漢民,顏漢龍,鄭奕偉,施茵茵,陳光曦,謝國萬,黃樞珩,黃書瑋,林天德,楊良田,朱肖華,許家璧,華商黃碧奇,黃金龍,蔡艷霞。