“Journey with us” - PLM President calls for continued support from scholarship partners like CFBCI during its 2024 Kamustahan 菲華工商總會黃書瑋出席馬尼拉市立大學二零二四年問候獎助學金夥伴表達感恩會

On 18 June 2024, the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI), among the twenty-five scholarship partners of the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, attended the university’s 2024 Kamustahan With Scholarship Partners with the theme “Pagpaparangal at Pasasalamat” at the Katipunan Lounge, Gusaling Ejercito, PLM. To represent CFBCI, present in this annual event were President Samuel Lee Uy, Education Committee, Vice Chairman Linda Lao, and English Secretary Mexica Bausa.

To formally open the gathering, the host, Ms. Dina C. Mendez, Acting Chief of the PLM Resource Generation Office called Ms. Luzviminda B. Landicho, Vice President for Finance of PLM, to deliver the welcome remarks. In her speech, Ms. Landicho emphasized the power of education as a catalyst for change. At present, the 25 scholarship partners including banks, NGOs, and financial institutions are supporting a total of 576 students in the 59-year old Pamantasan. Afterwards, Atty. Domingo “Sonny” Reyes, Jr., 11th President of PLM, gave an inspirational message.

He expressed his immense gratitude to PLM’s partners for helping the “last, least, and the lost” achieve their dreams through education. “Kung wala po kayo, marami pa po kaming kakailanganin,” said Atty. Reyes. Then, he presented a five-year roadmap of the university with six vital thrusts: academic excellence, internationalization, technology updates, performance metrics, organizational culture, and resource generation. “Journey with us,” Atty. Reyes encouraged all the partners to continue assisting the university in its aspiration to attain greater milestones.

All attending scholarship partners were given the chance to provide their messages. In his speech, CFBCI President Uy said: “In CFBCI, we firmly believe that the best way to help the younger generation maximize their potential is by persuading them to believe in the power of education. I myself have witnessed how education is able to change the lives of our scholars for the better. It is very heartwarming to see them graduate with flying colors, land with a decent and stable profession, and give back to their families and communities.” Everyone applauded in agreement of his heartwarming speech.

After hearing the messages of the partners, one of the scholars in PLM, Ms. Maria Crsitina P. Payumo, gave an excellent speech, expressing their gratitude for the help and inspiration that they receive. They commit to working harder and upholding the core principles of the Pamantasan: “Karunungan, Kaunlaran, Kadakilaan." Then, on behalf of CFBCI, Vice Chairman Lao received a certificate of appreciation and commitment symbol from the university. Delicious snacks including local delicacies were provided to all attendees.

菲華工商總會訊:本會理事長黃書瑋,文教委員會主任曾煥眉、副主任留牡丹及西文秘書梅西卡,於六月十八日(星期二)下午,受邀出席馬尼拉市立大學(Pamantasang ng Lungsod ng Maynila),所舉辦的二零二四年問候獎助學金夥伴活動,主題為「表揚及感謝」(Pagpaparangal at Pasasalamat)。校長Domingo “Sonny” Reyes, Jr. 律師、財政副校長Luzviminda B. Landicho及多位校領導親自歡迎來自各個非政府組織及企業領導、代表等的蒞臨。

是日下午在該校Katipunan廳,來自廿五個非政府組織、銀行或金融機構代表,及校領導、教師、學生等五十多人,大家歡聚一堂,為二零二四年問候獎助學金夥伴活動拉開序幕。由該校資源創造處代理主任Dina C. Mendez擔任司儀,首先請Luzviminda B. Landicho副校長致歡迎詞,他強調教育是改革的催化劑,並指出,馬尼拉市立大學已創辦五十九年,目前有來自廿五個非政府組織、銀行、金融機構及個人在贊助該校五百七十六位學生的獎助學金。

Domingo “Sonny” Reyes, Jr.校長致詞時則感謝廿五個獎助學金夥伴透過教育幫助家境困難的學生實現夢想,完成大學學業;並讚揚獎助學金夥伴們對教育的偉大貢獻。同時向大家介紹馬尼拉市立大學的五年方向及六項主要目標,其中包括:優秀學業、國際化、最新技術、優異績效、知識組織化及創造資源等,並期盼大家繼續支持馬尼拉市立大學取得更大成就。


該校Maria Cristina P. Payumo學生,代表所有獎助學金受惠學生感謝大家的支持。
活動最後,由Domingo “Sonny” Reyes, Jr.校長代表馬尼拉市立大學頒贈感謝狀予每個贊助單位。本會由文教委員會副主任留牡丹代表接受。

上左圖:馬尼拉市立大學頒贈感謝狀予本會。(左起)Luzviminda B. Landicho副校長,Domingo “Sonny” Reyes, Jr.校長,留牡丹。
下右圖:(左起)曾煥眉、馬尼拉市立大學工作人員、Dina C. Mendez、黃書瑋、留牡丹及梅西卡。