Experiencing the ‘City of Smiles’ - CFBCI Metro Manila Delegation facilitates business forum in Bacolod City 菲華工商總會巡訪團抵描戈律市 與當地同仁及華商舉行座談聯誼

The Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) Metro Manila delegation including President Stephen Sia, Executive Vice President Samuel Lee Uy, Vice President Gerald Uy Chan, Vice President Paul Yeung, Vice President Jocelyn Johanna See, Director Antonio Tan, Vice Chairman Gregorio Lagamayo, Plenary Member Lili Lagamayo, and members of the Secretariat Ellen Chong, Judith Tan, and Mexica Bausa, arrived in the City of Bacolod in the afternoon of November 11, 2023. The delegation was warmly greeted with colorful banners and ecstatic lion dancers led by their local colleagues and volunteer firefighters in the city.

In the evening, the delegation had a productive interaction with their local colleagues and Chinese businessmen in the city at the Atty. Simplicio A. Palanca Hall, the headquarters of the Bacolod Filipino-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

As soon as the delegation arrived at headquarters, six lions made a grand entrance to welcome them. Upon entering the venue, a group of dancers wearing gorgeous masks and brightly colored costumes performed a dance. Then, the most-awaited business forum was opened by Mr. Wee Kiat Tan.

First, Mr. Edgar Sy, President of the Board of Directors of the Bacolod Filipino-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry delivered a welcome speech, and Ms. Ellen Chong, CFBCI Chinese Secretary, and Ms. Mexica Bausa, CFBCI English Secretary, introduced the delegation members.

Afterwards, Mr. Alfredo Barcelona, Director of the Bacolod Filipino-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, introduced their members. Moreover, Mr. Stephen Sia, President of CFBCI, delivered his speech emphasizing the gratitude of the organization towards their local colleagues in Bacolod City for their unwavering support. Ms. Chong and Ms. Bausa presented the works of CFBCI in the past two years, particularly, the implementation of its social welfare projects.

On that night, representatives from various organizations attended the seminar and provided a quick introduction to their projects including the Bacolod Chamber Fire Brigade led by its Fire Chief Mr. Bryan Lao, and the Bacolod Filipino-Chinese Junior Chamber of Commerce and Industry led by its President, Mr. Kurt Matthew So. Finally, Mr. Samuel Lee Uy delivered his closing remarks thanking everyone for their cooperation, and encouraged them to continue fostering positive changes in our society.

By experiencing the warm hospitality of the people in Bacolod City and gaining a glimpse of their altruistic initiatives, the delegation was unanimous in the judgment that Bacolod City is indeed the ‘City of Smiles,’ and beyond that, a city of kind and selfless people.

菲華工商總會訊:本會的外埠巡迴訪問團由理事長謝國萬帶隊,團員:執行副理事長黃書瑋,副理事長曾國強、楊良田,董事杜祖蔭、陳華民,常務理事許福星偕夫人陳莉莉,理事謝文炳,秘書處成員蔡艷霞,吳宛盈,Mexica Bausa,一行十二人,於十一月十一日(星期六)下午抵達描戈律市,受到本會在描戈律市的同仁與當地華商、志願消防員等機場迎接,拉橫條熱烈歡迎,當晚假描戈律菲華工商聯合會會所Atty. Simplicio A. Palanca 多功能與描戈律市的同仁及華商進行交流聯誼,獲得了豐碩的成果。

車子剛到描戈律菲華工商聯合會會所,一陣鑼鼓喧天,六隻祥獅震撼登場,迎接巡訪團團員。當進入會場後,音樂聲響徹會場,一群面戴華麗面具,身穿鮮豔服飾的舞者在現場表演舞蹈。十月是描戈律市充滿活力的面具嘉年華(Masskara Festival) ,本會當地同仁特別邀請面具嘉年華的舞者到現場表演節目,讓巡訪團團員耳目一新,驚喜連連,紛紛與舞者合影留念。

座談會由陳偉傑擔任司儀,首先由描戈律菲華工商聯合會理事長施純禮致歡迎詞,本會辦公室秘書蔡艷霞、Mexica Bausa介紹巡訪團成員。描戈律菲華工商聯合會理事李回人介紹描戈律市三會出席成員。理事長謝國萬在致詞時表示:感謝描戈律菲華工商聯合會精心安排節目,並招待晚宴,華商社團踴躍出席座談會。這次來到描戈律市看到米沙鄢地區的經濟建設發展快速,社會安定,感到很欣慰。描戈律菲華工商聯合會為當地工商發展貢獻良多,實在令人感到欽佩。今晚希望在座的各位都能夠暢所欲言,互相交流意見,增進聯繫,就當地經濟與商界的一些問題,以及今後可能一起合作與推展的各項方案提出意見,展望未來。同時邀請各位同仁撥出時間出席明年二月本會即將舉行的第十三次全國會員大會。

本會秘書蔡艷霞、Mexica Bausa闡述了本會兩年來所開展的各項工作和社會服務專案的執行情況。描市菲華志願消防隊外交主任蔡中一介紹了志願消防隊的近況,從他的介紹我們瞭解到描戈律市菲華志願防火會,是唯一一支獲政府表彰的最佳消防隊。今年六月該志願消防隊更是拿下菲華火訊服務互助總會所舉辦的第九屆菲華打火兄弟Txtfire消防競賽冠軍寶座。該比賽是由全菲六十三支菲華義勇消防隊參加,並在經過近八個小時的激烈比賽後,最終取得勝利。


當天出席聯誼座談會的商會有:描戈律菲華工商聯合會,描戈律菲華工商聯合會志願消防隊,描戈律菲華工商聯合會附屬青年商會,描市濟陽柯蔡宗親總會,描市麵包商會等代表。描市同仁與華商有:施純禮,洪宗華,蔡中一,陳偉傑,洪永平,李回人,王名沛,王世敏,蔡中堅,黃福順,王允謙,黃侯凱,蔡崇仰,葉幼莉, 王垂揚,蔣人輝,陳芳偉,洪永平,蔡健華,陳振華,黃明俊,黃侯勤,陳芳正,許國涵,陳維容,王世文,王允謙,蕭美玉,黃啟民,蔡尚財,王永聯,蘇致賢,葉保安,蔡美西,蔡中忍,王中山,何萬洛。怡朗代表:蕭鴻羽,王兆勳,甄鈺仁。


上小圖( 左起):謝國萬,施純禮,李回人,蔡中一,洪宗華,蕭鴻羽,黃書瑋,陳偉傑分別致詞主持之影。
中圖六:本會外省巡訪團團員與描戈律領導合影留念(坐者左起)杜祖蔭,陳華民,楊良田,曾國強,黃書瑋,謝國萬,施純禮,蕭鴻羽,洪宗華,鄭國仁,蔡崇仰,蘇致賢,陳芳偉。(後排左起)陳偉傑,Mexica Bausa,吳宛盈,陳莉莉,謝文炳,許福星,蔡艷霞。