Chinese Lantern Festival and Chinese Lantern Making Competition 2023 菲華工商總會元宵燈籠製作比賽各界精英雲集評審強勁陣容簡介

After long years of waiting, the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. has resumed one of its most colorful and festive projects. Through partnership with the Department of Tourism, Culture, and Arts of Manila, the local government of Lungsod ng Maynila, the Manila Chinatown Development Council, Chinatown Barangay Organization Manila, Lucky Chinatown, Association of Chinese-Filipino Schools in the Philippines, Hope Christian High School, and CHiNOY TV, CFBCI celebrated the Chinese Lantern Festival and facilitated the Chinese Lantern Making Competition 2023.

The competition was held in Hope Christian School on February 4, 2023 where eleven groups, each composed of four delegates from the following schools, have attended: St. Stephen’s High School, Quezon City Christian Academy, Saint Peter the Apostle School, Philippine Cultural College Annex, Philippine Institute of Quezon City, Philippine Cultural College, Philippine Sun Yat Sen High School, Philippine Academy of Sakya, Philippine Cheng Kuang School, Hope Christian High School, and Chiang Kai Shek College. Each lantern was rated by an exceptional roster of judges namely Mrs. Andrea Ong, Mrs. Kuang Wenhun L., Mr. Chua Hu Hua, Mr. Baldwin Kho, and Mr. Dewey Tan.

The awarding ceremony proceeded the day after at the Lucky Chinatown Mall Atrium which was attended by numerous honorable guests including Manila Vice Mayor Yul Servo and His Excellency Hoang Huy Chung, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the Republic of the Philippines. The Philippine Institute of Quezon City bagged the First Prize (PHP 15,000), Quezon City Christian Academy won the Second Prize (PHP 10,000), and the Philippine Academy of Sakya brought home the Third Prize (PHP 8,000). Aside from cash rewards, each group also received a trophy from CFBCI.

In terms of excellence awards, Saint Peter the Apostle School won the Most Unique Award, Philippine Cultural College obtained the Most Originality Award, Hope Christian High School secured the Best Concept Award, Chiang Kai Shek College attained the Best Craftsmanship Award, and St. Stephen’s High School earned the Most Eco-Friendly Award. Each school received a plaque of recognition and cash reward worth PHP 6,000 each from CFBCI. Aside from excellence awards, the following three schools also received the Cooperative Award: Philippine Cheng Kuang School, Philippine Sun Yat Sen High School, and Philippine Cultural College. These school received a plaque of recognition and cash reward worth PHP 5,000 each from CFBCI. Lastly, the Philippine Academy of Sakya was hailed as Lucky Chinatown Shoppers’ Most Liked Lantern which received tickets to Chinatown Museum provided by the Lucky Chinatown Mall.

After the awarding ceremony, a cultural presentation was held where ten groups of performers exhibited the cultural heritage and pride of the Filipino-Chinese community. As CFBCI President Stephen Sia said, may the Filipino-Chinese community learn from Chinese lanterns the lesson that as we ascend to greater heights, we can also light the paths of others in their journey toward success. The organization encourages everyone to continue helping each other in ways no matter how big or small.





莊玄良先生Mr. Baldwin Kho,是菲律濱的視覺藝術家和人道主義者,以宣導各種慈善事業而聞名。是第一個榮獲世界和平祈禱協會頒發獎項的菲律濱華人,二零一一年被國際和平組織授予國際和平人道主義者獎,二零零九年KAPAYAPAAN國際兒童藝術節創始人。菲律濱華人博物館“Bahay Tsinoy”的館長。

張文霖先生Mr. Dewey Tan,自幼愛好書法,剪紙,宮燈等手工製作。曾榮獲馬尼拉市政府舉辦春節燈籠比賽兩次冠軍。曾參加海內外華人書法大展參展,韓國華人書法展參展。現任菲華青年企業家會員,菲華書法會會員。



十一盞參賽燈籠現展示在美加廣場後面新天地商場(City Place Square Mall)三樓小教堂附近(3rd floor near side of the chapel at the prosperity wing)。將展覽至二月底。歡迎廣大民眾前往觀賞打卡。



下圖:五位評審在現場對參賽燈籠進行評分 。