Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. Sponsors Christmas Rice Drive for the Poor 菲華工商總會贊助華人區聖誕濟貧贈米活動

The Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc., in December 22, 2022 attended the Christmas Rice Drive for the Poor organized by the Manila Chinatown Barangay Association (MBCO). The event was organized by Mr. Liu Shaoqiang, President of MBCO, to help the poor Filipino families around the Chinese community in Manila to have a bountiful Christmas.

The Association jointly sponsored this meaningful rice donation with over 100,000 pesos and more than 10 Chinese community groups and individuals as sponsors. On the day of the event, there was a huge crowd, where the poor residents of the Chinese-Filipino community gathered to receive a five-kilogram bag of rice for each person in an orderly manner. To thank our association for the support of this event, Mr. Liu Shaoqiang, the President of MCBO, presented a certificate of appreciation to our association.




