Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. invites Manila City Fire Chief as Guest of Honor in its 16th Monthly Plenary Meeting 菲華工商總會邀請馬尼拉市消防局長擔任第十六次常月理事會議貴賓主講

The Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) held the 16th meeting of its 13th Council on Wednesday, May 17, at the 8th floor auditorium at Sky 1 Tower, Binondo, Manila.

The guest of honor was SSupt. Christine D. Cula, the first female District Fire Marshall of Manila who is also a registered nurse. She graduated from the Philippine National Police Academy in 1996 (Batch Tanglaw-Lahi) and as a Fire Commissioned Officer in 1999. Currently, she leads District 1 of the Manila Metropolitan Fire Department.

In her humble speech, she said that the main purpose of firefighting is to maintain public safety and protect people’s lives and properties from the threat of disasters, and that the Fire Department is committed to doing a good job in fire prevention, disaster relief and service to the public with a citizen-centered philosophy. After the short speech, many of our colleagues asked her some practical questions, and SSupt. Cula answered them all.

When asked what further strategies the Fire Department has to promote fire prevention, SSupt. Cula mentioned that social media is the most effective way to promote fire prevention, as well as giving interviews to the media to give emphasis on fire prevention awareness and arranging for community outreach.

What are the challenges of becoming a district fire chief and how to overcome them? She said her fearless dedication as a firefighter and the continued support of her family have given her the confidence to do the job. When it comes to gender equality, SSupt. Cula said that this is a concept she has always promoted in the Fire Department, and that there is an all-female fire department in our country.

Looking ahead, she hopes that the Chinese-Filipino community will actively contribute to the firefighting cause and volunteer to serve. She spoke with sincerity and humility, and her speech was well received by our colleagues.

During the dinner, President Stephen Sia gave a welcoming speech, Executive Vice President Samuel Lee Uy introduced the guest of honor, Vice President Henry Lim gave a thank you speech, and one of our Pagharap sa Pangarap College Scholarship Program recipients, Mexica M. Bausa, served as the emcee.

菲華工商總會訊;本會於五月十七日(星期三)在本會八樓禮堂召開第十三屆理事會第十六次會議,經討論通過多項重要議程,會後邀請馬尼拉首都區消防局總監Christine D. Cula上校,作為貴賓和主講人,並和本會出席同仁舉行餐敘。

主講人是馬尼拉市第一位女性地區消防局總監,同時她也是一名註冊護士。並於1996年獲得菲律濱國家員警學院學員資格,於1999年畢業獲得Tanglaw-Lahi獎,成為消防委任官。目前,她領導馬尼拉首都區消防局第一區。在她謙遜的致詞中表示,消防工作主要在於維護公共安全,守護市民生命財產免於災害威脅,消防局秉持著以市民為中心之理念全力做好防火、救災及為民服務工作。在簡短的演說後,本會多位同仁向她提出一些實質性問題, Christine D. Cula上校都一一做了解答。


在餐會上理事長謝國萬致歡迎詞,執行副理事長黃書瑋介紹主講人,副理事長林天德致謝詞,本會點亮未來受助生Mexica M. Bausa擔任司儀。


上小圖:(上至下,左至右)謝國萬,Christine D. Cula上校,黃書瑋,林天德致詞之影。

上中圖:向Christine D. Cula上校頒贈感謝狀和本會二十週年紀念特刊(左起)榮譽理事長許長安,副理事長楊良田,執行副理事長黃書瑋,Christine D. Cula上校,理事長謝國萬,副理事長林天德,副理事長蔡金東,董事陳華民。
