Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. holds graduation ceremony for “Pagharap sa Pangarap” Education Program Recipients 菲華工商總會為「點亮未來」三學年度受助生舉辦畢業典禮

The Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. held a graduation ceremony for 67 scholars of the “Pagharap sa Pangarap" Education Program on September 18, 2022 at the 8th floor auditorium to celebrate their graduation from the University for the academic year 2020 to 2022.

Among them, two graduated with second honors (Magna Cum laude) and eleven graduated with third honors (Cum Laude). Certificates and souvenirs were presented to all the graduates in recognition of their efforts to overcome difficulties and pursue advancement. The graduation ceremony was attended by the members of the Association. Parents of the graduates and nearly 100 students also attended the ceremony. The graduation ceremony was facilitated by Julius Ceazar Bactad, member of the Alumni Association, and Mexica M. Bausa who is a current scholar.

Afterwards, Mr. Samuel Lee Uy, Executive Vice President of CFBCI , introduced the guest speaker, Mr. Alredo Yao, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Philippine Business Bank, CEO of Zest-O Group, and CFBCI’s permanent advisor. Mr. Yao is one of the most famous and successful businessmen in the Chinese-Filipino community who started his business from scratch, including banking, juices, hotels and real estate. Mr. Yao, in his speech, told the story of the loss of his father at a young age. In order to help his family to survive, he became a junior high school dropout, tasted all the hardships of life, and finally built a successful business. He said that poverty is not a hindrance as long as you are willing to work hard and open to challenges. If one is able to overcome such difficulties, he may be the next successful business tycoon. His speech moved the audience and gave all the students an important lesson on how to face their future paths of life.

On behalf of the graduates, Joey Manangan Apostol who graduated with second honors (Magna Cum laude) from Isabela State University gave a speech. He said that he was born in a poor family, his father died early, and he was dependent on his mother and siblings, and his mother raised him with great pains. He expressed his heartfelt gratitude for the help he received from CFBCI.

Jannie Dell P. Garcia, a third honor graduate of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines, also gave a speech onstage and shared with the audience her journey and gratitude. Gemma Reynoso, the graduate's parent representative, gave a speech to thank CFBCI.

In addition to presenting certificates and Parker pen souvenirs to the three graduates and cell phones to the 13 graduates with honorary grades, the graduation ceremony also included a video greeting from Senator Francis “Chiz" Escudero and a performance by the recipients of the program. The three graduates shared their gratitude videos and presented hand-made souvenirs to the organization.

Since the launch of the “Pagharap sa Pangarap" Education Program in 2009, nearly 500 students have successfully completed their college education, found their ideal jobs, and helped their families escape poverty and lead a prosperous life.

菲華工商總會訊:本會於九月十八日(星期日)上午,假八樓大禮堂為「點亮未來」助學方案受助生舉辦二零二零至二零二二年三學年度,共計六十七名學員舉辦畢業典禮,慶祝他們順利取得大學學位。其中有兩名以第二榮譽Magna Cum laude優異成績畢業,十一名以第三榮譽Cum Laude優異成績畢業。當天本會特備有證書和紀念品頒發給所有畢業生,表揚他們克服困境,努力追求上進的精神。出席畢業典禮的本會同仁有:理事長謝國萬,執行副理事長黃書瑋,副理事長曾國強、楊良田、蔡金東、林天德與夫人侯月娥、施茵茵,常務顧問曾煥眉、李柏林,常務理事許福星、柯仁義、洪海濱,理事留牡丹、顏漢龍、王輝益。畢業生家長和近百名受助生亦出席參加典禮。

畢業典禮由本會受助生Julius Ceazar Bactad和學友會成員Mexica Bausa擔任司儀,首先邀請理事長謝國萬致歡迎詞,他祝賀全體畢業生取得理想成績,順利畢業,並鼓勵學員們在踏入社會後,當發揮一技之長,畢業只是人生的一個目標,是另一個人生路程的開始,要為國家與社會大眾帶來貢獻。


畢業生代表,由本會「點亮未來」聯合執行副理事長黃書瑋以他父母親命名成立的「黃國棟、林春鳳教育基金會」共同資助,並以第二榮譽Magna Cum laude畢業於伊沙迷拉國立大學的Joey Manangan Apostol致詞:他說自己出生於一個清寒家庭,父親早逝,和母親及兄弟姐妹相依為命,母親含辛茹苦將其養大,能受到本會「點亮未來」和「黃國棟、林春鳳教育基金會」的資助,讓他看到了希望,使他不但可以完成學業,還能在課餘通過每月的進修講座,學到很多寶貴的人生知識,他對本會所給予的幫助表達衷心的感激,現要進入社會,定會努力施展所學,積極面對新挑戰,不辜負本會的培養,在有能力的時候也一定會向有需要的人伸出援助之手。

以第三榮譽畢業於菲律濱理工大學的Jannie Dell P. Garcia亦上台致詞和大家分享自身辛苦求學的心路里程及對本會的感激之情。畢業生家長代表Gemma Reynoso發言向本會致謝。最後由副理事長曾國強致謝詞,感謝所有幕後工作者,使畢業典禮順利圓滿成功。

畢業典禮除了向三屆畢業生頒發證書和Parker牌原子筆紀念品,及向十三位以榮譽成績畢業的學員餽贈手機作為獎勵之外,還播放參議員Francis “Chiz” Escudero的祝賀視頻,並參插節目表演:由受助生演唱中文歌曲《隱形的翅膀》,三屆畢業生分享他們製作的感恩視頻,贈送親手製作的紀念品予本會留念,最後還在學友會會長Rodessa Castro的監誓下,全體畢業生集體加入學友會。



小圖:(由左至右)謝國萬,蔡其仁,黃書瑋,曾國強,曾煥眉,Joey Manangan Apostol,Jannie Dell P. Garcia,Gemma Reyno,Rodessa Castro,Julius Ceazar Bactad,Mexica Bausa致詞、主持之影。


圖三:(左)二零二二年度畢業生向本會領導致贈由他們親手製作的紀念品。(右):全體畢業生宣誓加入學友會,由學友會會長Rodessa Castro監誓。
