Chinese-Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) officers attend Manila Bulletin’s 123rd Anniversary Celebration 菲華工商總會領導應邀出席武力鎮報123週年慶典酒會

The officers of the Chinese-Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) were invited by the Board of Directors of the Manila Bulletin to attend the 123rd Anniversary Gala Dinner at the Manila Hotel on Thursday evening, February 2. First Lady Louise Marcos was also present to toast the guests on stage with the Manila Bulletin executives. A number of senators, congressmen, cabinet officials, diplomatic envoys, community leaders, and leaders of major Chinese community organizations were also present at the event.

菲華工商總會訊:本會領導於二月二日(星期四)晚,應馬尼拉武力鎮報(Manila Bulletin)董事局之邀,出席該報假馬尼拉大旅社舉行慶祝成立一百二十三週年晚會。第一夫人露易絲‧馬科斯亦出席與馬尼拉武力鎮報高層在台上向與會嘉賓敬酒。當晚尚有部分參、眾議員、內閣官員、外交使節、社會賢達,以及華社主要社團領導人等出席共襄盛舉。





中二圖:(左起)許文忠,林文龍,杜祖蔭,吳恆利,蔡金東,謝國萬,參議員JV. 埃赫西道,馬拉汶市長Jeannie Ng Sandoval。

下圖:和武力鎮報董事局執行副主席Sonny Coloma Jr.(左五)合影