Chinese-Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) invites Secretary Remulla in One-on-One Public Question and Answer Forum 菲華工商總會特邀黎穆惹司法部長舉辦「一對一行動者」公開問答論壇

Chinese-Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI), in coordination with the Foreign Affairs Committee, held a public forum on law and order on October 24, 2022 at the Ballroom of the Manila Hotel. The forum was attended by approximately 200 people, including Chinese Embassy Counselor Wang Yue, Consul General, government officials, representatives of foreign chambers of commerce, leaders of major Chinese chambers of commerce and associations, newspaper media, television stations, and DPA colleagues.

Luis Dela Paz of DPA Law Firm was the Master of Ceremonies for the evening. He first welcomed and introduced the main dignitaries in attendance, and then invited the President of the Council, Mr. Stephen Sia, to deliver a welcome speech, saying that the first 100 days of reforms in the Department of Justice under the leadership of Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla have left a deep impression on the people, and that he is leading the agency towards an efficient, transparent and inclusive administration of justice system. The Association expressed its deep appreciation for the positive reforms undertaken by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and looks forward to even brighter results in the future.

In his speech, Secretary Remulla stated that he strongly believes that an effective justice system is necessary for economic reform to ensure the revitalization of a strong economy. The Secretary mentioned that the DOJ has established an office that will focus on the legal needs of business people, to promote a stable corporate legal system, and to provide a stable business environment conducive to businessmen's investments. According to the Secretary, the DOJ has made efforts for the business sector, such as the decontamination of laws, promoting public-private partnership programs, and inviting the Chinese community to help build the country.

He even mentioned that the Filipino-Chinese community has played an important role in the business and professional sectors in the Philippines for hundreds of years. He also mentioned that the Department is currently implementing electronic access to its records, which will allow for easier access to reports, application lists, permits and other documents, and save time.

The Secretary also mentioned that the DOJ is working on a legalization or amnesty for overstaying aliens, especially Chinese, who have lived in the Philippines for many years and have adapted to Philippine customs but are still in an illegal status because they have not been granted full citizenship. The minister said this is a program he wants to promote. He also revealed that he had recommended to the President our Honorary Chairman of the Board of Directors become the Director of the Bureau of Immigration. Secretary Remulla also shared some of his discussions with the President, emphasizing the President's passion for serving the country in the best possible way.

During the Q&A session, Minister Remulla assured that the rights of legitimate businessmen and foreign investors will be fully protected, and this includes online gaming operators (POGOs). The minister said that online gaming is legal if they are licensed by the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR), but if they start thinking that they can do whatever they want and do not pay taxes or comply with regulations, the government can revoke their licenses at any time. He stressed that foreign investors, especially Chinese investors, are welcome in the Philippines, but the government only welcomes legitimate businessmen and opposes those who operate for money laundering purposes. Other questions and answers include: a petition for review will be passed to alleviate overcrowding in national prisons. It will be fully open to foreign investment in renewable energy. Visa-on-arrival has been discontinued, which the Secretary said was an abusive practice that the DOJ does not support. Asked what the Ministry of Justice was doing to address alleged corruption in its agencies, the minister replied: “the government is doing its best to address corruption and believes that within six months the people will see significant changes.”

At the end of the question-and-answer session, the Council leader presented a plaque of appreciation to Secretary Remulla. Finally, Vice President Paul Yeung gave a speech of thanks and started the dinner. The meeting ended successfully before 9:00 pm.

菲華工商總會訊:本會由外交委員會籌辦,於十月廿四日(星期一)晚假馬尼拉酒店百齡廳舉辦了一場有關律法的公開問答論壇,邀請到司法部部長Jesus Crispin C. Remulla擔任主講人。當晚,中國駐菲使館王悅參贊兼總領事,多位政府官員,駐菲外國商會代表,華社各主要商會、社團負責人、報館媒體、電視台與本會同仁,共約兩百人出席了該場論壇。

當晚由DPA 律師行的Luis Dela Paz律師任司儀,他首先歡迎及介紹出席的主要貴賓,接著邀請本會理事長謝國萬致歡迎詞,他表示新政府司法部門在Remulla部長的領導下,首百日的各項改革給人民留下了深刻的印象,他帶領著該機構朝著高效、透明和包容的司法系統管理邁進。本會對司法部進行的積極改革深表讚賞,期待司法部長在其任期內能做出更亮眼的成績。






上左、右小圖(上至下)分別是謝國萬,曾國強,楊良田,Luis Dela Paz律師致詞主持之影。上中圖:司法部長Jesus Crispin C. Remulla主講。



下左圖:與貴賓合影(左起)菲華消防隊總會秘書長王濟利,本會常務理事許有福,楊良田,許長安,Malabon市長Jeannie Sandoval,Navotas市長John Rey Tiangco,謝國萬,曾國強,常務理事林文龍。

下右圖:主賓桌部分貴賓合影(左起)本會榮譽理事長留典輝律師,菲華各界副主席蔡永寧,Remulla部長,謝國萬,馬尼拉第三區眾議員Joel Chua。