Chinese-Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) hosts a seminar on confidence-building for Pagharap sa Pangarap scholars 菲華工商總會為點亮未來受助生舉辦教導在生活中建立自信講座

The Chinese-Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) held a seminar on November 20, 2023 at the CFBCI auditorium for the scholars of the “Pagharap sa Pangarap" education program. In addition to supporting the living and learning expenses of the students, CFBCI also focuses on the development of their moral values, personal qualities and life skills, as well as the development of good living habits. A total of 94 students attended the seminar and several leaders of the Association namely: Executive Vice President Samuel Lee Uy, Executive Advisor Jefferson Cheng, Board Member Richard Alviar, and Linda Lao.

 This month's seminar was led by Jannie Del Garcia, a 2022 graduate of Bachelor of Arts degree major in International Studies from Polytechnic University of the Philippines with second honors. The topic was “Building Confidence: Be Confident in Being Yourself", which showed the way for the recipients to build their confidence so that they can be more motivated to set goals and build their confidence.

The speaker, Jannie, said that confidence is not just a sense of pride, but a deeper level of self-appreciation and love. She also introduced topics related to self-confidence, such as self-esteem, how to identify if someone is confident, the benefits of developing self-confidence, ways to help build self-confidence, and tips for becoming more confident. According to her, it is important to say to yourself, “I can do this," or “all I have to do is try.” She reminds the recipients, “thoughts are not always accurate, and we must find a way to turn our thoughts into a more positive self-talk.” Jannie says, “you can find someone you look up to who has high self-esteem and aim to copy him or her.”

Jannie then asked the students to do an activity where they had to draw or do something creative to express themselves on a piece of paper, and to present and share their work in groups. Some drew faces, some drew attitudes, some drew hobbies, and some wrote key words. Through the activity, each student was able to unleash their creativity and express themselves better with confidence.

She said, “you must stop comparing yourself to others, always reflect on your strengths and weaknesses, accept failures as learning opportunities, don't settle for comfort, learn to respect yourself, engage in positive self-talk, record your progress, pursue your passions that make you happy, keep yourself curious, set your ultimate goals, and go forward to accomplish it with an undaunted spirit."

At the end, the leaders of the Association thanked the speaker for her wonderful talk, praised her confident attitude in her eloquent speech, and encouraged the students to apply what they have learned and continue to study hard in the hope that they will all succeed in life. A certificate of appreciation was presented to the speaker.

Although the pandemic is slowly ceasing this year, we arranged a free chest X-ray for each student to ensure the safety of the participants. During the seminar, we also announced the Christmas party to be held next month (December), such as performances and interactive games. The seminar was a great day for the participants and ended successfully before noon.


本月講座由本會二零二二學年以第二榮譽畢業於菲律濱理工大學(Polytechnic University of the Philippines),獲得國際研究文學學士學位的受助生Jannie Del Garcia擔任主講人。題目是《建立信心:自信的做好自己》,為受助生建立自信指明了道路,使他們能夠更積極地設定目標,建立信心。

講員Jannie表示,自信不僅僅是一種自豪感,而是一種更深層次的自我欣賞和愛。她還介紹了與自信相關的主題,如自信與自尊、如何識別某人是否自信、培養自信的好處、幫助建立自信的方法以及更自信的技巧。要對自己說:「我能做到這一點」或「我所要做的就是嘗試」。她提醒受助生們:「想法並不總是準確的,我們必須找到一種方法,將我們的想法轉化為更積極的自我對話。」 Jannie說:「你可以找一位你祟拜的、有高尚自尊的人,以他/她為目標,這能幫助你更好地發揮出自信;培養自信有很多好處,如好的人際關係,在工作中取得更多的成功,無畏地迎接新挑戰等。但最重要的一點,我認為擁有自信的主要好處是能夠表達自己。

接著 Jannie讓受助生做一項活動,他們必須畫畫或做一些有創意的事情,在一張紙上表達自己,並分組展示及分享自己的作品。活動中有人畫臉,有人畫態度,有人畫愛好,也有人寫關鍵詞等等。透過活動的進行,每位受助生都很好地釋放了各自的創造力,自信地表達了更好的自己。





上圖:本會領導向講員頒發感謝狀(左起)張其安,黃書瑋,主講人Jannie Del Garcia ,曾煥眉,留牡丹。

下圖:主講人Jannie Del Garcia的主題簡報及演講現場。