Chinese-Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) holds a seminar featuring “Experience as the Best Teacher” for Pagharap sa Pangarap scholars 菲華工商總會為點亮未來受助生舉辦《閱歷是學習最好的老師》交流講座

January 22, 2023 was the first day of the Lunar New Year. After three years of living in closed quarantine, this year we finally welcomed the first Chinese New Year after the opening of our doors, and we held a Life Skills and Motivational Seminar for our students entitled, “Experience is the Best Teacher". The seminar emphasized that a new year entails new opportunities and hopes, and that the best way to learn is to succeed through experience. A total of 96 students and Alumni Association members attended the seminar. The leaders of the Association were: President Stephen Sia, Executive Vice Chairman Samuel Lee Uy, Vice Chairman Paul Yeung, Executive Director Linda Lao, and Director Benson Yang.

This month's lecture was given by Jennifer T. Onrejas, a graduate of the Philippine Normal University in 2013 with a major in mathematics. After graduating from the university, she continued her education at Philippine Christian University, where she received her Master's degree in Mathematics Education and now works as a math teacher in a private high school. In the beginning of her lecture, she shared her life story, from her childhood to her schooling, and as one of our former scholars, she talked about her romantic life, challenges, and her years in teaching. The students were encouraged to learn from their experience inside the academic institution and to enrich their knowledge and skills in advance for their future career and contribution to society.

Onrejas explained that this activity is like our lives, as we move forward. things will become more difficult. But if you know how to plan your decisions in life and choose the right circle of acquaintances, you will be able to overcome the challenges and pass every trial. After the event, we moved on to an open forum where Onrejas asked each participant to stand up and tell their understanding of the event and share some of their life experiences, whether they were successes or failures, turning the exchange into a storytelling session.

Onrejas concluded the day's lecture by advising the students to “keep their dreams alive and achieve their goals". Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have all become confused and uncertain about our future. This lecture taught the students to have dreams, to keep their dreams alive, and to aim for their dreams to come true. Not having a goal means you don't have a plan and vision for the future. This will cause you to suffer from the hardships of life and forever struggle at the bottom.

After the seminar, the leaders of CFBCI also took the stage to encourage the recipients to improve themselves in all aspects in the new year, just like the theme of today's seminar: all the things we experience in life are our best teachers. Don't be afraid of suffering, life is first bitter and then sweet; the suffering you have to endure at the present is actually the blessing you will enjoy in the future.

After the inspiring morning session, the students were excited to participate in the Chinese New Year Parade in the afternoon, organized by the Manila City Hall. The members of CFBCI Chorale also started practicing for the Chinese song “The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" for the evening's Chinese Star Night where they would showcase their musical talents and beautiful voices in front of a huge audience. After the day's activities, the students not only gained spiritually, but also received red envelopes and Chinese New Year cakes for the holidays and went home in a joyful mood.


本月講座是由二零一三年畢業於菲律濱師範大學(Philippine Normal University),主修數學專科的受助生Jennifer T. Onrejas擔任講員。她在大學畢業後進入Philippine  Christian大學繼續進修,並取得數學教育碩士學位,現在一所私立中學擔任數學老師。她在講座開始時分享了自己的生活點滴,從童年生活到求學過程,以同為本會栽培出來的受助生過來人的身份,陳述其熱愛生活,經歷艱辛的處境,再到多年的教學經驗,本著十年樹木,百年樹人的教育精神,諄諄善誘,鼓勵受助生在其求學歷程中,要吸取經驗,為將來踏入職場與社會提前充實相關知識和技能,以達事半功倍的效果。

接著進行了一項與現實生活相關,稱為「縮小圈子」(Shrinking Circle)的集體活動,每當一個小組進入另一個層次時,他們的圈子就會縮小。Onrejas老師解釋,這項活動就像我們的生活一樣,當我們前進並進入生活另一層次時,情況會變得更加艱難,但如果你懂得分層制定規劃,選擇正確的圈子,你就能克服困難,通過每個階層的考驗。活動結束後,隨即進入開放式論壇,Onrejas老師讓每個學員站起來講述他們對活動的理解和分享一些人生經驗,無論是成功或失敗,使交流會變故事會,每位學員都聽得津津有味,並在故事中思考及學習其中的得失,討論聲此起彼伏,現場充滿活力和熱忱。





上左圖:本會領導向主講人頒發感謝狀(前排左起)學友會成員Nazareth Galindez,留牡丹,黃書瑋,主講人Jennifer T. Onrejas,謝國萬,楊良田;後排站著為學友會其他成員。上右圖:講座現場受助生們分享自己的人生故事。
