Chinese-Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) celebrates Christmas together 菲華工商總會同仁攜眷赴會所相聚一堂歡慶一年一度聖誕節

The 13th Council Meeting and the 11th Joint Meeting of the Executive Council were held on December 14, 2022 in the 8th floor auditorium. After that, the annual Christmas party was held which was the first time to celebrate Christmas since the epidemic for more than two years. CFBCI members arrived early with their families in a joyful mood and had a lively and festive evening together.

The party started with the greetings from the colleagues. The President of the Board of Directors, Mr. Stephen Sia, led other leaders of the Association to warmly welcome the members and their family members who had just attended the meeting together with the board members, executive directors and directors. The Honorary Chairman of the Association also came to join the meeting, and some colleagues from other provinces also took time out of their busy schedules to attend the meeting, making the atmosphere of the party warm and enthusiastic.

While enjoying the sumptuous dinner, the Association's singers took turns to sing on stage, including old songs and popular songs, which enchanted all the listeners. The Wrong Direction Male Trio, a group of Filipino singer Ramon Villanueva, prepared a number of classic songs in Chinese, Filipino and English for the party and sang them with beautiful harmonies and clear voices.

The Secretariat had prepared some unique games, first of all, a game of “rock-paper-scissors" to let the audience try their luck by giving out PHP 20 each and guessing with each other at the same table. After a tiger fight between the young and old, the final decision was made by the two directors who had a good understanding of each other and could not decide the winner by guessing three punches.

After the first round of games, the atmosphere was heated up and the second round of games was played: “Roll out your prizes/gold"; the long table was divided into several sections, each with 300, 500, 1000 prizes and special prizes, so that colleagues who drew the numbers could roll out the prizes according to their luck.

The third round of “mind-twisting games": guessing Christmas song names, Chinese vocabulary, brand names, etc. let colleagues use their brains to win prizes, and the process was endlessly interesting, with 20 questions that left the audience wanting more.
The last round of game is called “Pull out the Surprise" where eight cups with different prizes and awards and eight lucky people were allowed to pull the threads on the stage to win the prizes. After the announcement of the first three prizes and the special prizes, each of the participants who did not win the prizes were given a consolation prize, so that all the participants of the Christmas party had something to gain.


聯歡會在同仁們的相互問候聲中拉開了序幕。理事長謝國萬帶領本會其他領導人和剛剛參加完會議的各位董事、常務理事、理事一起,熱情歡迎前來共慶佳節的會員及眷屬。當天本會榮譽理事長楊彼得特地前來參加,還有一些外省同仁也在百忙中抽空赴會,使聯歡會氣氛即溫馨又熱烈。三年來大家難得見面相聚,藉此機會互道平安,互相祝福,閒話家常,歡聲笑語此起彼落,沉浸在輕鬆愉快的談笑之中。在享用豐盛晚餐的同時,本會唱將:陳築時、謝文炳、黃清秒、吳克斌等輪番上陣,在台上引吭高歌,有懷舊老歌、流行歌曲等,令聽者無不陶醉其中,更令同仁們驚喜的是,本會黎牙士備區董事杜祖蔭及外省理事吳信德和他們的同伴菲律濱歌手Ramon Villanueva所組成的The Wrong Direction男聲三重唱,特地為這次的聯歡會準備了多首中、菲、英文經典歌曲,在晚會上獻唱,和聲優美,聲部分明,具有專業的演唱水準,董事杜祖蔭更是妙語如珠,幽默風趣,引得眾人哄笑連連,就像在享受現場真人秀及演唱會。


在此特別銘謝本會副理事長曾國強捐出所主有Tagaytay Royale Parc酒店房間和酒店咖啡廳Dekada代用券各五張。馬尼拉市政府華人區發展委員會主席蔡瑧蔚捐出紅運火鍋一萬元代用券三張,用於抽獎助興。



中圖一:The Wrong Direction男聲三重唱成員演唱經典歌曲(左起)吳信德、菲律濱歌手Ramon Villanueva和杜祖蔭。其他:謝文炳,黃清秒,陳築時,吳克斌歌唱之影。



中圖四:(左圖)曾國強向抽得Tagaytay Royale Parc酒店券的得獎者頒獎。(中圖)向頭獎獲得者頒獎(左起)理事長謝國萬夫人許蓮蓮,理事長公子謝榮全,副理事長蔡金東夫人黃綿綿,副理事長蔡金東。(右圖):蔡瑧蔚(左)向抽得紅運火鍋一萬元代用券獲得者頒獎。
