CFBCI warmly welcomes the courtesy visit of the UK Ambassador 菲華工商總會熱情歡迎英駐菲兼帛琉大使禮訪

The Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. has warmly welcomed Hon. Laure Beaufils, British Ambassador to the Republic of the Philippines and Palau; Mr. Chris Fensom, Second Secretary; and Ms. Jannica Gaisano, Trade and Investment Officer; in the afternoon of Wednesday, September 6, 2023.

At the beginning of the discussion, Ms. Mexica Bausa, CFBCI Public Affairs Officer, introduced the leaders present on that day, and Mr. Stephen Sia, President of the Board of Directors, gave a welcoming speech, saying that it was a great honor to have the ambassador at the organization’s head office, and he hoped to find opportunities for cooperation between the two parties.

On one hand, a video presentation of our social service programs was shown, and Ambassador Beaufils delivered a cordial and friendly speech, emphasizing the British Embassy in the Philippines’ recognition of our active role in promoting economic development. She also mentioned that over the years, the British Embassy in the Philippines has been actively promoting regulatory reforms, streamlining business processes, resolving barriers to entry, and facilitating the exchange of knowledge between the UK and the Philippines.

On the other hand, Ms. Gaisano talked about some of the aspects of the UK Government’s Developing Countries Trading Scheme (DCTS) which was established in June of this year. She mentioned that this development is designed to help reduce red tape, minimize tariff rates, and open up the UK economy to more exports.

An in-depth exchange of views ensued, with the conversation focusing on areas where the British Embassy and CFBCI could work together. According to the Ambassador, the UK aims to establish more trading partnerships in areas such as financial technology, infrastructure, renewable energy and agriculture.

At the end of the seminar, our leaders presented Ambassador Beaufils with a commemorative badge and a special 20th anniversary issue of our coffee table book. Both parties look forward to establish partnership opportunities between the United Kingdom and the Philippines, and to work together to achieve the goal of benefiting the country and its people.

The officials of CFBCI who attended the courtesy meeting on that day were President Stephen Sia, President Emeritus Allan Wong But Loy, Executive Vice President Samuel Lee Uy, Director William Rogando, Vice Chairman Richard Yao, Vice Chairman Jimmy Ang, Plenary Member Jack Wong, and his son Jaq Wong.

菲華工商總會訊:九月六日(星期三)下午,本會領導於七樓會所,熱情歡迎英國駐菲律濱兼帛琉大使Laure Beaufils和隨員二等秘書Chris Fensom先生、使館貿易和投資官員Jannica Gaisano女士造訪本會,雙方互相交換名片,並進行了座談交流。

座談開始,由辦公室英文秘書Mexica Bausa介紹了當天出席的領導,理事長謝國萬致歡迎詞,他表示:非常榮幸能在會所迎接貴大使的到來,希望在座談中能找到雙方合作的契機,互利共贏。隨後播放了本會各項社會服務方案簡介視頻。Laure Beaufils大使發表了親切友好的講話,她強調了英駐菲大使館對本會在促進經濟發展方面的積極作用的認可。Beaufils大使提到,多年來,英國駐菲大使館一直積極促進監管改革,簡化業務流程,解決市場准入障礙,促進英國和菲律濱之間的知識共享。



座談會最後,本會領導贈送Laure Beaufils大使本會紀念徽章及二十週年紀念特刊。雙方都期待透過這次會談,能安排進一步接觸,以促進英菲商機,共同實現益國利民的目標。

上圖:向Laure Beaufils大使贈送本會紀念徽章(左起)王輝益,中文秘書蔡艷霞,王志龍,黃拔來,黃書瑋,謝國萬,Laure Beaufils大使,Jannica Gaisano,二等秘書Chris Fensom,洪海濱,姚慶祕,Mexica Bausa,杜祖蔭。