CFBCI warmly receives the new officers of the Association of Filipino-Chinese Schools in the Phils, donates P1 million in benefit of teachers 菲華工商總會熱情接待校聯新領導層禮訪再次捐獻「華社尊師重道獎勵金」一百萬

The new leadership of the Association of Filipino-Chinese Schools in the Philippines, led by Mr. Ronald Hsu, paid a courtesy visit to the headquarters of Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) in the morning of August 15 (Thursday), where they were warmly received by President Samuel Lee Uy and other officers.

At the beginning of the meeting, President Samuel Lee Uy delivered a welcome speech where he praised the great contributions that the Association has made to the revitalization of Chinese education in Philippines, promotion of Chinese culture and heritage, and training of Chinese teachers. Due to limited funding, the income of Chinese teachers in the country is very low, nevertheless, the Chinese teachers are still steadfast in their duties and their love and hard work for Chinese education is admirable and needs to be encouraged.

As one of the prominent organizations in the Filipino-Chinese community, CFBCI supports the development of Chinese language education and the improvement of the skills of Chinese language teachers. For the second consecutive year, we have donated a total of two million pesos to the Association. This year, with the upcoming Teachers’ Day, we will continue to donate one million pesos to express our great appreciation of their dedication and compassion.

The Association expressed their immense gratitude to CFBCI for the donation of P1 million each year for three consecutive years, amounting to three million pesos in total. They also emphasized their appreciation for the good relationship between the Association and CFBCI through the years, and commended its various education-related activities especially the “Pagharap sa Pangarap” college scholarship program and their active participation in public welfare and charitable causes. To them, the visionary and selfless spirit of CFBCI is admirable, and they look forward to more collaboration opportunities with CFBCI in the future.

All in all, the meeting was successful and the two parties are optimistic that through their enduring friendship, they will be able to foster more positive changes in the society, especially in guiding our youth towards a brighter future.



校聯常務理事許榮宗則致詞時,代表菲華校聯向本會連續三年,每年慨捐一百萬披索,總共捐獻三百萬披索表示萬分的謝意。同時對本會多年來與各華校的良好互動表示贊賞,特別是本會長期開展多項與教育相關的活動,其中包括「點亮未來」助學方案、捐助菲律濱兒童基金會方案,聯合國際象棋大師Eugene Torre基金會舉辦國際象棋比賽等,積極投入公益慈善事業,這種高瞻遠矚和大愛無私的精神令人欽佩。期待未來兩會能有更多合作機會。


