CFBCI visits Tabaco Pei Ching School, donates P2M for school reconstruction 菲華工商總會米骨巡訪團參觀培青中學關心華文教育慨捐兩百萬資助學校重建

The eighteen-member delegation of the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. comprising of President Stephen Sia, Executive vice President Samuel Lee Uy, Vice President Gerald Chan, Vice President Willy Chua Kim Tong, Vice President Paul Yeung, Vice President Henry Lim, Vice Chairman Gregorio Lagamayo, Vice Chairman Edwin Ty, Vice Chairman Eduardo Aga Tiu, Vice Chairman Zhu Xiao Hua, Plenary Member Jack Wong, Plenary Member Ramon Uy, Member Lili Lagamayo, Member Jacq Ferdinand Wong, Member Dongquan Chen, Chinese Secretary Ellen Chong, Secretary Judith Tan, and Liaison Officer Mexica Bausa arrived in the City of Legazpi on October 1,2023 and was warmly received by their local colleagues and Chinese businessmen. Afterwards, they hosted a banquet, toured the scenic spots, and held a successful business forum that night.

In the morning of the next day, accompanied by CFBCI local board members, the delegation visited the local Chinese school, the 103-year-old Tabaco Pei Ching School. Upon arrival at the school, they were warmly greeted by the teachers and students, and were accompanied by a marvelous band.

Accompanied by the Superintendent of Tabaco Pei Ching School, Ms. Du, the Chinese Principal, Ms. Qiu, the English Principal, Ms. Maria Hedwig Bermundo, and other directors and teachers, the delegation visited the school building and the auditorium, and interacted with the students.

Due to the super yphoon “Rolly" that hit the school three years ago, the school building was completely destroyed and was in urgent need of funds to repair and purchase new equipment. After learning the details of the damage, President Sia and his colleagues made a donation of PHP 2 million to help the school rebuild after the disaster.

At noon, Mr. Antonio Tan, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Tabaco Pei Ching School, hosted a banquet for the delegation at The Concourse Hotel, accompanied by the school’s director and some teachers and students. During the banquet, Mr. Tan expressed his appreciation for the charitable works of CFBCI in his city. Over the years, CFBCI has always been committed to fostering positive change in the country.

Aside from the monetary donation, father and son, Mr. Jack Wong and Mr. Jacq Ferdinand Wong pledged to donate computers and school supplies to the school. The gesture was warmly applauded by the teachers and students. During the banquet, students of Tabaco Pei Ching School performed a wonderful cultural program.

菲華工商總會訊:本會的外埠巡迴訪問團成員:理事長謝國萬,執行副理事長黃書瑋,副理事長曾國強、楊良田、蔡金東、林天德,常務理事林文龍、鄭奕偉、許福星偕夫人陳莉莉、朱肖華偕女婿陳東權,理事顏漢龍、王輝益偕公子王志龍,中文秘書蔡艷霞,秘書處聯絡吳宛盈,英文外交Mexica Bausa一行十八人,於十月一日搭機抵達米骨市,獲本會在當地的同仁與華商熱情接待,宴請接風,遊覽名勝古跡,並於當晚成功舉辦交流講座會。隔天上午,在當地同仁董事、淡描戈培青中學董事會董事長陳華民,董事杜祖蔭,理事杜其生、吳信德、郭鵬飛、陳芳雷、王和建、吳煌華、謝揚雄等的陪同下,參觀了具有一零三年歷史的當地華校淡描戈培青中學。抵達該校時受到全校師生熱情列隊,並有西洋樂器隊演奏夾道歡迎,場面隆重感人。

巡訪團成員在淡描戈培青中學校監杜美華,中文校長邱秀霜,英文校長Maria Hedwig Bermundo及其他主任、老師們的陪同下,參觀了教學樓及禮堂,與學生們互動交流。該校雖然生數不是很多,但在本國教育系赴中國一加二加一畢業華文師範教育回校的中文老師們用心教導下,中文都能朗朗上口,文化氛圍濃郁,學生們更是個個彬彬有禮。

中午由淡描戈培青中學董事會董事長陳華民假The Concourse飯店宴請參訪團成員,校領導及部分師生出席做陪。席間董事長陳華民致詞時,對本會在米骨區所推行的各項慈善公益事業,表達了高度讚賞。他說菲華工商總會及米骨區各地區工商會同仁都能團結合作,大家共同為僑社的安寧,為維護僑胞合法權益,無心奉獻的心願,推展國民外交,對慈善公益事業義不容辭,每次當地遭遇天災,不管是颱風、水災等,菲華工商總會及分會同仁都會及時準備大量物資發放救濟品給災民,使災民得到人間的溫暖;同時積極發展教育事業,資助貧窮學生完成大學學業。歷年來菲華工商總會一向致力於開展國民外交,對全國菲人及華僑華裔,貢獻良多。

這次又幸得菲華工商總會熱心鼎力資助淡描戈培青中學繼續修建三年前被「天鵝」超級颱風(Super Typhoon Rolly)摧毀的三所校舍竣工,及添置各課室設備,使本校不僅能繼續有效地為推進華文教育,宏揚中華文化而努力,並使各種課程能逐漸現代化,為國家社會栽培一群能適應現代生活的青年。菲華工商總會對本校的關照,義舉善行,實令人深感敬佩。本校全體董事、教師、學生及家長們深為感激,特此致予誠摯的謝忱。



下圖:本會參訪團移交兩百萬披索捐款支票於淡描戈培青中學校領導。(左起)林天德,蔡金東,楊良田,曾國強,黃書瑋,謝國萬,杜美華,陳華民,杜其生,郭鵬飛,陳芳雷。(後排左起)邱秀霜,Maria Hedwig Bermundo,英文主任,吳信德,王和建,吳煌華,謝揚雄。