CFBCI visits Manila Bulletin 菲華工商總會領導禮訪Manila Bulletin武力鎮報

The Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI), in the afternoon of August 24 (Thursday), went to Manila Bulletin’s headquarters in Intramuros, Manila to pay a courtesy visit to Manila Bulletin’s management. The delegation headed by President Stephen Sia was warmly received by Hon. Basilio C. Yap, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Dr. Emilio C. Yap III, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Established in the year 2000, Manila Bulletin is the most widely circulated English-language newspaper in the Philippines, and in recent years it has been transformed into a well-established media network with numerous loyal readers, making it a prestigious and influential newspaper in the country.

CFBCI has a friendly relationship with the Manila Bulletin Newspaper for many years. Every year, CFBCI officials and members are invited to attend the celebration of the newspaper’s anniversary or the anniversary of the Manila Hotel which is also chaired by Hon. Yap. The newspaper also sends reporters to cover important events organized by CFBCI.

During this visit, aside from renewing old friendships, they also talked about the preparation for the National Biennial Convention to be held next year. We hope that both parties will continue to work together to make the Convention a success.

菲華工商總會訊:本會理事長謝國萬,榮譽理事長黃拔來,名譽副理事長李少平,副理事長曾國強、施茵茵,中文秘書蔡艷霞,英文秘書Mexica Bausa於八月二十四日(星期四)下午,前赴武力鎮報(Manila Bulletin) 王城內總部,禮訪武力鎮報管理層,受到武力鎮報董事局主席葉謀隆、董事局副主席葉永敏博士熱情接待,雙方在該總部會客廳進行親切交流。


圖片說明:本會出席領導同仁向武力鎮報管理層贈送本會二十週年紀念特刊合影(左起)蔡艷霞,李少平,曾國強,謝國萬,葉謀隆,黃拔來,葉永敏博士,施茵茵,Mexica Bausa。