CFBCI Trade and Commerce Committee organizes a free Real Estate Seminar open to everyone 菲華工商總會訂於七月十七日舉辦 《掌握房地產市場趨勢的挑戰與機遇》特邀三位著名房地產投資專家解析

Need some expert advice to finally achieve your dream house? Interested in investing in real estate, but unsure where to start? The Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) Trade and Commerce Committee led by Executive Vice President Gerald Uy Chan (Committee Adviser) and Director George Go (Committee Chairman) will be organizing a 3-in-1 Seminar with the title, “Navigating Challenges and Opportunities on Trends in Real Estate Industries” to be held on 17 July 2024 (Wednesday), 1:30-5:00pm, at the CFBCI 8th Floor Auditorium.

The seminar will be featuring three guest speakers, each of which are experts in their respective fields. To discuss the topic of ‘shelter financing,’ CFBCI has invited Mr. Fermin A. Sta. Teresa Jr. who occupies the position of Senior Vice President for Business Development Sector of the Pag-IBIG Fund. In his talk, Mr. Sta. Teresa is expected to discuss Pag-IBIG Fund’s shelter financing programs for employees including socialized housing, low-cost housing, and open housing.

The second speaker will be Dr. Mary Gaw So who is the President of the REHub & My Home Town Realty & Developer, Inc. who is invited to discuss the current ‘real estate updates and opportunities’ in the Philippines. She is a PRC Licensed Real Estate Broker, Appraiser, Consultant, and a Doctor of Optometry. Dr. So’s talk will cater to the interest of those who would like to begin their journey in the field of real estate.

Lastly, Mr. Alain Dimaguila who is the Unit Head of the Direct Sales Channel of BDO Consumer Banking Home Loan will be discussing the topic of ‘consumer lending.’ Whether you intend to purchase a property, build a new home or refurbish an existing one, there’s a BDO Home Loan for you, and Mr. Dimaguila’s talk will help you to select the best one that will suit your needs and capacity.

The companies of all speakers will be also setting up their respective booths at the entrance of the venue to accommodate those who have inquiries and are interested to transact with them. The seminar is open to everyone, but only registered attendees can proceed to the venue. For further inquiries, message us on Facebook or call 8244-4996.

菲華工商總會訊:購屋時機是相當重要的,選對時間,可能就直接省下幾十或上百萬。本會商務委員會為讓投資者理解房地產增值的關鍵因素和屋涯規劃,掌握房地產的核心知識行情,特別邀請到來自政府機構、私營企業及金融界的三位房地產投資專家擔任主講人,即將於七月十七日(星期三)下午一時卅分至五時,假本會八樓禮堂,舉辦主題為「掌握房地產市場趨勢的挑戰與機遇」(Navigating Challenges & Opportunities on Trends in Real Estate Industries)專題講座,並在會後回答與會者提問。

住房發展共同基金(Pag-IBIG Fund)業務發展部副總經理Mr. Fermin Sta. Teresa Jr.,他將討論住房發展共同基金為員工提供的住房融資計劃,包括社會化住房、廉租房和開放式住房;
REHub & My Home Town房地產總經理黃淑賢(Dr. Mary Gaw So),她是一位有執照、經驗豐富、著名的房地產經紀人,將分享菲律濱當前的「房地產最新情況和機遇」;
金融銀行(BDO)消費者銀行房貸業務組長Mr. Alain Dimaguila,他將介紹購買房產、建造新房子及翻新現有房屋的貸款方案選項。

該講座是免費對大眾開放的,報名工作目前已經開始,名額有限,額滿為止。有意者,可直接在線上報名,網址為:或掃附圖二維碼。也可以於週一至週五,上午九時至中午十二時、下午一時至五時,週六上午九時至中午十二時,通過電話報名,或親自到本會秘書處填表報名。本會地址:7th Floor, Sky 1 Tower, 68 Dasmariñas St., Binondo, Manila。聯絡電話:8244-4991、8244-4996;電子郵件。機不可失,請大家把握機會,踴躍報名參加。