The Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) Metro Manila delegation arrived in Cauayan, Isabela before noon on Monday, July 24, for a three-day and two-night tour. Seven members flew in a domestic flight and three members traveled on land. As soon as they stepped off the plane, they were greeted at Cauayan City Airport by local colleagues, Antonio Hui, Paulino Ang, Johnny Uy, Aaron Tan Agcaoili, and selected scholars, who raised banners to welcome the members of the delegation, and offered well-prepared ribbons to welcome them warmly.
After exchanging pleasantries, the delegation boarded six private cars and drove out of the airport to the Maximilian Hotel for check-in. Our local colleagues and Chinese businessmen from Filipino-Chinese Cagayan Chamber of Commerce, Winster B. Pua and Edwin T. Uy, hosted a dinner at Hotel Andrea Restaurant at noon to welcome the delegation members. In the afternoon, the delegation also visited the Mayor of Cauayan City, Mr. Caesar Dy Jr., and had a cordial conversation with him.
Over the years, with the full cooperation of local colleagues and chambers of commerce in Isabela, CFBCI has carried out a number of social service programs including the installation of water wells in poor areas; the “Pagharap sa Pangarap College Scholarship Program” which has provided opportunities for poor students to receive higher education; mobile computer classrooms which have been touring the remote areas of Isabela for a long period of time so people can learn basic computer literacy and enhance their employability; donation of Philippine flags on Independence Day; and spraying highly effective anti-mosquito agents in schools during the rainy season to prevent dengue fever.
These programs have been well received by the local business and political sectors, and the local government has expressed their gratitude and appreciation for CFBCI’s programs in Cauayan.
The members of the delegation that went to Isabela province are: President Stephen Sia, Executive Vice President Samuel Lee Uy, Vice President Henry Lo Lim, Vice President Paul Yeung, Vice President Jocelyn Johanna See, Vice Chairman Edwin John Ty, Vice Chairman Ramon Uy, Vice Chairman Daniel Chu, Chinese Secretary Ellen Chong, and English Secretary Mexica Bausa.
菲華工商總會訊:本會的外省巡迴訪問團於七月二十四日(星期一),兵分兩路:七名成員搭乘國內航班,三名成員乘坐私家房車,於中午前抵達伊沙迷拉省,開展為期三天兩夜的巡訪。剛一下飛機,在Cauayan市機場迎面受到本會當地同仁許家璧、洪振山、黃培堂、黃金龍及受助生代表拉橫條迎接本會巡訪團成員,並掛上精心準備的緞帶,熱情接機。一陣寒暄後,上了六輛私家轎車,浩浩蕩蕩駛出機場,直赴Maximilian Hotel辦理入住。本會當地同仁及郊亞鄢菲華商會華商潘祖培、黃碧奇,於中午假Hotel Andrea Restaurant設宴為巡訪團成員接風洗塵。下午並安排禮訪了Cauayan市市長Caesar J. Dy,雙方進行了親切交談。
本會這次前赴伊沙迷拉省的巡迴訪問團成員包括:理事長謝國萬,執行副理事長黃書瑋,副理事長楊良田、林天德、施茵茵,常務理事鄭奕偉、朱肖華,理事顏漢龍,中文秘書蔡艷霞,英文秘書Mexica Bausa。
中圖一:在Maximilian Hotel大堂合影(左起)朱肖華,顏漢龍,鄭奕偉,施茵茵,林天德,黃書瑋,謝國萬,楊良田,洪振山,許家璧,蔡艷霞,黃培堂。
中圖二:中午假Hotel Andrea Restaurant為巡訪團成員接風洗塵。
下圖:禮訪Cauayan市市長Caesar J. Dy,贈送本會紀念徽章。(左起)郊亞鄢菲華商會理事長潘祖培,黃金龍,Cauayan副市長Leoncio “Bong” Dalin,許家璧,顏漢龍,林天德,楊良田,謝國萬,市長Caesar J. Dy,黃書瑋,黃培堂,鄭奕偉,施茵茵,朱肖華,洪振山。