CFBCI, TATAND, and Robinsons Mall celebrate Filipino-Chinese Friendship Day, jointly organized the 2023 Table Tennis Cup 菲華工商總會、菲華乒聯、羅賓遜商場慶菲中友誼日聯合舉辦《2023工商盃》桌球邀請賽各組優勝隊出爐

In celebration of the 22nd Filipino-Chinese Friendship Day, the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI), the Table Tennis Association for National Development (TATAND), and Robinsons Mall jointly organized the “2023 Invitational Table Tennis Championships". A grand closing ceremony was held at the Robinsons Mall in Manila City last June 4 (Sunday).

CFBCI officials attended the award presentation ceremony headed by President Stephen Sia. Honorary Presidents of TATAND were also present to officiate and present the awards. A total of 80 teams and 250 players participated in this year's Invitational Table Tennis Championships. The players came from Chinese schools and colleges in the Philippines, as well as from sports teams.

The tournament was divided into four groups: “Open" Class A, “Amateur" Class B, “Elementary and Middle School" Class C and “Veteran" Class V. The “Open Division" was won by De La Salle College of Saint Benilde, while University of Santo Tomas’ first team was the first runner-up and De La Salle University’s first team and Ateneo de Manila University's first team tied in the third place.

The “Amateur Division" championship went to University of Santo Tomas Team 3, with De La Salle University Team 3 as the first runner-up, and Adamson University and Golden Star teams tied in the third place. In the “Elementary and Middle School” level, DLSU Team 4 bagged the championship, Lancaster Team 2 was the first runner-up, San Pablo City Table Tennis Club’s Teams 1 and 2 were tied in the third place.

The “Veterans Group" was a fierce competition in which Triple Charles won the championship, Barracks won the first runner-up, and Lancaster and MSP were tied in the third place.

On behalf of CFBCI, the leaders of the Association presented trophies, medals and prizes to the winning teams, and took a group photo with bright smiles of victory. The awarding ceremony ended successfully at 8:00 pm. Congratulations to the winning teams who stood out from the fierce competition! Don't be discouraged if you don't win the award, keep up the good work, and look forward to seeing you again next year.

菲華工商總會訊:為慶祝第廿二屆菲中友誼日,本會與菲華乒乓聯合會、羅賓遜商場聯合舉辦的二零二三年工商盃桌球邀請賽」,於六月三日(星期六)上午十時,隆重開幕, 經過兩天的激烈比賽後,賽程已經圓滿結束,各優勝隊已經出爐,並於六月四日(星期日)晚上,假岷市Otis羅賓遜商場舉行隆重的閉幕暨頒獎典禮。本會出席頒獎禮的領導有:理事長謝國萬,執行副理事長黃書瑋,副理事長楊良田、蔡金東、林天德,常務理事許有福、林文龍。菲華乒乓聯合會名譽會長林海利、黃承嶺出席擔任主持及頒獎嘉賓。

今年的《工商盃》桌球邀請賽共有八十支球隊,近二百五十名球手參賽。選手來自華校和菲律濱各大專院校以及體育團體隊眾多乒壇好手,男女老少匯聚一堂,其中不乏國手。比賽分為「公開組」Class A、「業餘組」Class B、「中小學組」Class C 和「宿將組」Class V四組。當晚由菲律濱桌球總會名譽會長林海利宣佈各組的優勝球隊:


業餘組」冠軍由聖道頓瑪示大學三隊奪得,拉刹大學三隊亞軍,亞當森大學、Golden Star隊並列季軍。

中小學組」冠軍則由拉刹大學四隊奪得,Lancaster二隊獲得亞軍,SPCTTC (San Pablo City Table Tennis Club)一隊及SPCTTC二隊並列季軍。

宿將組」參賽隊員都是乒壇老將,寶刀未老,競爭激烈,最終由Triple Charles隊勇奪冠軍, Barracks隊獲得亞軍,Lancaster一隊、MSP隊並列季軍。





中圖二:(左)向宿將組冠軍Triple Charles隊頒獎。(右)本會領導和宿將組冠軍隊、亞軍隊及季軍隊合影留念。
