CFBCI successfully conducts its 4th Plenary Meeting, BoC Director John M. Simon delivers an empowering keynote speech 菲華工商總會第十四屆第四次理事會議邀請海關局內部行政西蒙處長任主講人

On the 22nd of May, the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) led by President Samuel Lee Uy, conducted its 4th Monthly Plenary Meeting with Hon. John M. Simon, Bureau of Customs Director for Internal Administration Group, as keynote speaker. The meeting was graced with the attendance of a hundred participants and was held at the CFBCI 8th floor auditorium in Binondo, Manila.

At the beginning of the meeting, Chinese Secretary Ellen Chong discussed the points at the monthly meeting agenda while English Secretary Mexica Bausa shared the recent events attended by the organization. At six o’clock in the evening, the arrival of the keynote speaker was announced and President Uy and other officers welcomed Director Simon to the auditorium.

In his empowering speech, Director Simon shared about his roots in which it was revealed that his predecessors are merchant Tsinoys. Thus, going back to Binondo, the center of trade and commerce before and during the Spanish colonization times, to converse with Tsinoy businessmen seems like a sentimental encounter to him. Director Simon also spoke about his excellent workings in the Bureau of Customs especially his persistence in sending back tons of garbage to foreign countries which were illegally transported to the country, and the prestigious commendations he received for these brave acts of public service.

Throughout his talk, the audience consisting of CFBCI officers and members, and other individuals from various backgrounds listened carefully while nodding in agreement and appreciation of Director Simon’s stories. Public service is not an easy field, it requires strong mental fortitude and determination to serve for the common good. Director Simon also emphasized the huge importance of the relationship between the Philippines and China in fostering greater economic health in the country.

After the talk, a plaque of appreciation was awarded to the Director and everyone applauded loudly for his excellent speech. Then, a sumptuous banquet was enjoyed by everyone.

菲華工商總會訊:本會第十四屆第四次理事會議,於五月廿二日(星期三)下午六時,假本會八樓禮堂召開,由理事長黃書瑋親自主持。理事會議結束後,邀請海關局內部行政處長西蒙 (John M. Simon) 擔任貴賓和主講人,當天共有六十餘位來自馬尼拉各地,及丹轆、描東岸、依沙迷拉等外省同仁前來參加。


