CFBCI sponsors the Year of the Wooden Dragon celebration at Lucky Chinatown Mall, Vice President Paul Yeung strikes the gong for the New Year Countdown 菲華工商總會贊助美加廣場慶龍年系列活動楊良田代表致新春賀詞並為跨年倒計時擊鑼

The Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI), as one of its sponsors, was invited to attend the Chinese New Year’s Eve Concert and Countdown organized by the Lucky Chinatown Mall on February 9, 2024.

Ms. Norico Mizoguchi, General Manager of Lucky Chinatown Mall, attended the said event and CFBCI Vice President Mr. Paul Yeung delivered a New Year’s greeting on behalf of Mr. Stephen Sia, President of CFBCI, and struck the gong to mark the countdown to the lunar new year.

In his speech, Mr. Yeung expressed CFBCI’s wish that everyone will work harder towards the achievement of their goals in 2024. The organization is wishing that these goals not only cater to our own interests, but also encompass our desire to change other people’s lives for the better.

He also invited the public to participate in the Chinese New Year Parade that will be held the following day to welcome the Year of the Dragon, which will be co-organized by the City Government of Manila, Manila Chinatown Development Council, and various Chinese community groups.

The enthusiastic audience jumped, shouted, and sang along with the performers, which filled the venue with vitality and joy.

During the countdown to the New Year’s Eve at twelve midnight, Mr. Yeung and other dignitaries joined in striking the gong, welcoming the Year of the Dragon with joy and encouragement. Finally, the most-awaited fireworks display was launched, which was fired up to the sky as if there were shooting meteors in various directions, blooming wildly in the darkness.

菲華工商總會訊:本會於二月九日除夕夜,應邀出席參加華人區美加廣場所舉辦的迎接甲辰龍年音樂會及倒計時活動,當天吸引數千人參加,鑼鼓喧天,喜氣洋洋。美加廣場總經理Norico Mizoguchi、幸運中國城酒店總經理Jeremy Go、美加房產地區總經理Mark Louie Sta Ana、菲華各界聯合會副主席許扁及馬尼拉市描籠涯293主席Marissa Alejandro等人出席當天的活動。本會副理事長楊良田代表理事長謝國萬致新春賀詞,並為倒計時活動擊鑼。


音樂會演出陣容除了有著名華校校園歌手外,主辦單位也邀請到Gaea Mischa、Maki、Arthur Miguel、Orange and Lemons及Felip等巨星到場表演,熱情洋溢的觀眾一起跳躍、呼喊和歌唱,讓現場充滿了活力和歡樂。


下圖(左起):Jeremy Go,Norico Mizoguchi,楊良田,Mark Louie Sta Ana,許扁,Marissa Alejandro,主持人Anie Chen、Kaloy Tingcungco。