CFBCI sponsors Ten Outstanding Guro Awards (TOGA) organized by Junior Chamber International Manila 菲華工商總會理事長黃書瑋受邀擔任 國際青商會十大傑出教師頒獎禮主講

On 06 July 2024, the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) led by President Samuel Lee Uy attended the “Ten Outstanding Guro Awards (TOGA) 2024," organized by Junior Chamber International – Manila, as one of its key sponsors. President Uy was accompanied by his supportive colleagues, Executive Vice President Gerald Uy Chan and Corporate Secretary Henry Go, and was deeply honored to serve as the keynote speaker for the ceremony to impart the business sector’s perspective on the need to strengthen the education and formation of the next generation.

JCI is Asia’s premier leadership development organization comprised of young entrepreneurs, businessmen, government officials, business managers and social civic workers committed to creating positive change in our society. The “Ten Outstanding Guro Awards (TOGA)” is one of the major initiatives of JCI Manila, in partnership with more than 100 organizations and entities, to recognize the hard work and dedication of teachers and the important role they play in shaping the future of our nation.

The award not only recognizes the top 10 finalists, but also provides training programs to enhance teachers’ skills in areas such as finance, health, wellness, personal development, and leadership. TOGA was launched in 2021 and has so far successfully conducted 68 professional training programs benefiting 3,800 teachers from all over the country. Currently, JCI Manila has recognized 20 outstanding teachers who have excelled in their respective roles, acknowledging their selfless dedication to the nation’s progress.

In his speech, President Uy firstly paid tribute to all teachers in the teaching profession and congratulated the ten awardees, and then expressed his honor to represent CFBCI as the keynote speaker at TOGA 2024 award presentation ceremony. He commended JCI Manila for being an organization committed to providing young people with opportunities for leadership development, so that everyone can promote positive change in our country and the world, and said that CFBCI would be happy to work more closely with JCI Manila for a brighter future.

He also introduced the CFBCI Pagharap sa Pangarap College Scholarship Program to the audience, highlighting that most of the graduates of the program are now the professionals in their respective fields. Finally, he encouraged everyone to work together to guide young people to aspire achieving greater heights, as they are the future leaders of our country.

CFBCI has always been fully supportive of initiatives promoting quality and equitable education. Over the years, its scholarship program has been providing unconditional scholarship for Filipino and Chinese students to complete their university education and providing assistance to various educational causes. This time, we are sponsoring ten teachers to visit the Ayala Museum and giving each of them a set of teaching supplies.

菲華工商總會訊:本會理事長黃書瑋受邀出席國際青商會馬尼拉分會(Junior Chamber International Manila)於七月六日(星期六)上午所舉辦的「二零二四年十大傑出教師獎」(Ten Outstanding Guro Award 簡稱TOGA)頒獎禮,並擔任大會主講人,本會執行副理事長曾國強及立案秘書吳恆利陪同出席,共襄盛舉。



下圖:捐贈資金及贈送教學用品包予十位得獎教師(中間五位左起)曾國強,二零二四年十大傑出教師獎項目主席Vjohn Dizon,國際青商會馬尼拉分會會長Charles Matthew Gosingtian,黃書瑋,吳恆利。