CFBCI sponsors Manila Police District League Season 2, attends Meet & Greet with Vice Mayor Yul Servo Nieto 菲華工商總會贊助岷市第二屆警區籃排球聯賽出席副市長尼耶道主持球隊與贊助代表見面會

As one of its sponsors, the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) attended the Meet & Greet of Manila Police District League (MPDL) Season 2 on last July 27, 2024 at Bulwagang Danilo B. Lacuna, Session Hall, Manila City Hall. In this event, Manila City Vice Mayor John Marvin “Yul Servo” C. Nieto and MPD District Director, PBGen. Arnold Thomas Ibay mingled with CFBCI represented by Vice Chairman Bruce Uy, Plenary Member Direck Uy, and Plenary Member Sheryl Tiu.

Through this event, sponsors and precincts were able to meet their official teams who will give what it takes to win the Manila Police District League Season 2. CFBCI was honored to sponsor the Manila Police Station 1 this season. The random selection of team sponsors and team colors was held previously on June 10 at the same venue.

Looking back, the first season of MPDL was a huge success on November last year. This basketball/volleyball game was launched with the hopes to promote collaboration, communication, sportsmanship, and teamwork among the personnel of the MPD. The league was also established to enhance and promote the physical health of the police personnel.

Vice Mayor Nieto who founded the league strongly believes that physical bodies play an important role in the daily duties and responsibilities of MPD as public servants who maintain peace and order in Manila. CFBCI is deeply honored to become a part of this worthwhile project. A motorcade will be conducted soon to kick off the launching ceremony.

菲華工商總會訊:馬尼拉市府即將舉辦「第二屆馬尼拉警區聯賽賽季」(Manila Police District League Season 2),本會響應馬尼拉市副市長尼耶道(Vice Mayor John Marvin “Yul Servo” C. Nieto)號召,贊助該聯賽一個警隊的參賽活動金,以促進警民友好合作關係。

並由本會常務理事葉啟龍及理事佘玲玲、葉俊龍等人代表出席於七月廿七日(星期六)下午,假馬尼拉市政府Bulwagan Danilo B. Lacuna議會廳,由副市長尼耶道所主持舉辦的見面會。馬尼拉市警察局局長伊貝將軍(Police Brigadier General Arnold Thomas Ibay)和各分局局長及參賽員警均出席見面會。


