CFBCI provincial chapters spearhead PH flag donation turnovers to local governments 菲華工商總會外省地區代表向市府贈國旗六一二獨立節旗海飄揚共同宣揚愛國情操

Each year, on the 12th day of June, we celebrate the Independence Day of the country from the 333-year colonization of the Spaniards. In commemoration of this regular holiday and in contribution to the promotion of patriotism among our brothers and sisters, the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) has been keeping its tradition of donating Philippine flags to various localities both in Metro Manila and the provinces. Recently, our provincial chapters have facilitated the turnover of Philippine flag donations to Batangas, Cauayan-Isabela, Alegria-Cebu, and Bacolod City.

The mayors and other government officials of the four municipalities recognized and praised the patriotic zeal of CFBCI officers and members, and will soon distribute the flags in all municipal offices, public schools and hospitals to promote patriotism among our people. Our national flag is not only a flag, but also a symbol of our national pride. Where the flag is raised, the spirit of patriotism reigns. In CFBCI, we hope that during the Independence Day, all stores and homes will display the national flag to commemorate the mighty sacrifices of our ancestors in exchange for our freedom and sovereignty.

菲華工商總會訊:六月十二日為菲律濱獨立日,這是紀念菲律濱脫離西班牙從一五六五年至一八九八年的殖民統治而設立的節日,普天同慶!本會秉承歷年來的優良傳統,於六月初,陸續透過領導同仁及各地區理事,相續向描東岸(Batangas)、依沙迷拉省郊亞鄢市(Cauayan, Isabela)、宿務省阿萊格里亞社(Alegria, Cebu)及描戈律市(Bacolod City)等四個外省地區市政府贈送嶄新國旗。



上圖:移交國旗予宿務省(左起)同仁Genice Tan,本會宿務地區會員林勤盛,副理事長施茵茵,宿霧省阿萊格里亞市市長Hon. Dr. Gilberto Fernandez-Magallon,及市長辧公室工作人員。
中圖一:移交國旗予描戈律市(左起)Carmegie Saliba醫師,盧章興先生,同仁李回人,邱真美女士,同仁莊人輝,本會描戈律地區理事洪宗華,同仁施純禮,同仁鄭國仁,描戈律市長Hon. Alfredo B. Benitez,同仁黃福順,同仁蔡崇仰,黃明俊先生,蔡中一先生,同仁王允謙律師,葉友仁先生,Joan Gerangaya省環境資源辧公室職員。
中圖二:移交國旗予依沙迷拉省郊亞鄢市(左起)市議員 Telesforo R. Mallillin、警察中校Ernesto Nebalasca、同仁黃培堂、副市長Leoncio Dalin Jr.、本會依沙迷拉地區常務理事洪振山及郊亞鄢市教育局辦公室代表。