CFBCI provides free seminar with DTI-NCRO, SSS, and DOST 菲華工商總會聯合貿工部國家首都地區邀社保署、科技部為企業商家舉辦講座

The Chinese-Filipino Business Club, Inc. in collaboration with the Department of Trade and Industry National Capital Region (DTI-NCRO), held a full-day seminar on June 7, 2023 to assist in the revitalization of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to promote economic development and help those who wish to start a new business.

In the morning, the seminar was led by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), the Bureau of Permits-Manila and the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR). In the afternoon, the seminar was spearheaded by the Social Security System (SSS) and the Department of Science and Technology (DOST). The seminar was open to the public and nearly 60 participants from various businesses, HR department heads and online store operators attended the seminar.

The first seminar of the afternoon was presented by Mr. Joven Salera, Senior Communications Analyst of the Social Security System (SSS). He focused on various complex legal obligations of employers, sanctions for violations of the SSS Act of 2018, punishable acts or omissions of employers, civil liability of employers, and administrative sanctions imposed on employers. As a reminder, the SSS emphasized that members should be aware of their legal rights and always remember that they are saving for the future in their old age by being insured.

The final seminar was presented by Engineer Lota Paras-Gagunu of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), who explained her agency's mission and how it uses science and technology to connect with startups. Food processing, furniture, agriculture, aquaculture, metals, and engineering were among the priority areas where they wanted to introduce innovation.

Small and medium-sized enterprises are welcome to apply for the Innovation System Support Fund set up by DOST. For startups, they will receive technical assistance to help their businesses in enhancing systems, contributing to the creation of jobs for the community.

The audience benefited from the in-depth presentations of each of the five speakers and the detailed answers to the questions raised by the participants. Each participant was awarded a certificate of attendance by DTI-NCRO, and the seminar lasted for more than five hours and ended successfully at 3:00 p.m.

菲華工商總會訊:本會為協助中小微企業振興,促進本國的經濟發展,幫助有意經營新事業者更好地瞭解菲政府的商業登記註冊等步驟,特聯合貿工部首都區總部(DTI-NCRO),於二零二三年六月七日,假本會八樓禮堂,舉辦「『啟動』 政府對商業註冊的支持計劃」全天研討會。上午個別邀請到貿工部(DTI)、馬尼拉市商業許可證辦公室(Bureau of Permits-Manila)和稅務局(BIR)部門主管現場講解;下午即由社保署(SSS)和科技部(DOST)部門主管現場講解。講座對大眾開放,當天有近六十名來自各商號、公司人事部門主管和網店經營者等出席參與。本會理事長謝國萬致歡迎詞,副理事長曾國強致謝詞,本會點亮未來受助生Patricia Anne Deinla任司儀。其他出席領導有:執行副理事長黃書瑋,常務理事許有福、林文龍、洪海濱和理事王輝益。

下午的第一場研討會是由社會保障署(SSS)的高級傳播分析師Joven Salera先生擔任主講人。內容涉及雇主的各種複雜法律義務,對違反2018年社保署法案的制裁,雇主應受懲罰的作為或不作為,雇主的民事責任,以及對雇主實施的行政制裁。作為提醒,社保署強調成員應該瞭解他們的合法權利,並始終記住他們的投保是在為未來做長期儲蓄,讓老年生活更有保障。

最後一場研討會是由科學和技術部(DOST)的Lota Paras-Gagunu工程師主講,她解釋其機構的任務,以及如何利用技術和科學與初創企業建立聯繫。食品加工、傢俱、農業、水產養殖、金屬和工程等都是他們希望引入創新的優先領域。科技部的一些亮點是「一個實驗室」((One Lab),一個實驗室網路(A Network of Laboratories),以及「一個商店」(One Store),一個科技部輔助產品的商店。歡迎中小企業申請科技部設置的創新系統支援基金。對於初創企業,他們將獲得技術援助,幫助他們的企業增加價值、增強系統、貢獻和為社會創造就業機會。


左小圖:(由左至右)謝國萬理事長,貿工部首都區總部辦公室第一區主任Corona Olivia O. Rivera女士,Joven Salera先生, Lota Paras-Gagunu工程師,曾國強。
中左圖:頒發感謝狀予社會保障署主講人(左起)許有福,洪海濱,謝國萬,Joven Salera,Corona Olivia O. Rivera,林文龍,王輝益。
中右圖:頒發感謝狀予科學和技術部主講人(左起)許有福,曾國強,謝國萬,Lota Paras-Gagunu,貿工部首都區總部主管Dahlia Nuñez,貿工部首都區總部職員Joice Deocariza ,林文龍,王輝益,洪海濱。