CFBCI President Stephen Sia attends the event “Tide Rises for Fortunes” TV Week and ribbon cutting ceremony 菲華工商總會理事長謝國萬出席「潮起福見 視聽共用」電視週並剪綵

The Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. announced that CFBCI President, Mr. Stephen Sia, accompanied by other CFBCI officers, was invited to attend the kick-off ceremony of the 2022 TV Week between the Philippines and Fujian, China (Quanzhou) on December 9, 2022. The launching ceremony was held in Manila, Philippines and Quanzhou, Fujian Province, China through both online and on-site channels. The venue in the Philippines was located at the East Ocean Palace Restaurant, where nearly 200 Chinese community leaders, leaders of various organizations and celebrities attended the event.

The TV week was arranged by the Chinese State Administration of Radio and Television International Cooperation Department, the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines, Fujian Provincial Bureau of Radio and Television, Quanzhou Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, Quanzhou City Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Tourism, the Philippines, Chinatown TV, Quanzhou Radio and Television.

Chinese Ambassador Huang Xilian, First Inspector Zhou Jihong of the Department of International Cooperation of the State Administration of Radio and Television (SARFT), Deputy Director Zhang Mingsheng of Fujian Provincial Bureau of Radio and Television, Chen Huizong, Minister of Publicity and Member of the Standing Committee of Quanzhou Municipal Committee, Cheloy Garafil, Acting Minister of the Department of Information of the Philippines, Shi Yu'e, Director of Chinatown TV, and leaders of major Filipino-Chinese organizations delivered speeches at the launching ceremony.

Cultural Counselor Li Wei of the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines, Director Wu Chenqi of the New Office of the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines, Acting Minister of Information of the Philippines Cheloy Garafil, Director Shi Yu'e of Philippine China Television, President Xie Guowan of the Association and leaders of the Chinese community were the ribbon-cutting guests for the launch of the Philippine venue.

The Philippine – China Fujian (Quanzhou) TV Week was launched in 2017 and has been held for five years since then. The TV Week showcases a number of TV dramas, documentaries, short videos and other outstanding radio and TV programs, fully reflecting the milestones of China and Fujian over the past decade, interpreting the culture of Fujian, showcasing the wisdom of the Min people, promoting Fujian's cultural and tourism economy, and publicizing the successful first anniversary of Quanzhou's bid and the fruitful results of Jinjiang's experience over the past 20 years. CFBCI is pleased to witness that the Philippine-China Fujian (Quanzhou) TV Week will further promote cultural exchange between the two countries through media cooperation between China and the Philippines, so that the world and the Filipino-Chinese people will know more about Fujian culture.

菲華工商總會訊:本會理事長謝國萬在副理事長蔡金東和董事陳華民陪同下,於十二月九日下午四時,應邀出席「潮起福見 視聽共用」2022年菲律濱‧中國福建(泉州)電視週啟動儀式。當天在菲律濱馬尼拉和中國福建泉州兩地,同時通過線下線上相結合的方式舉行啟動儀式,菲律濱會場設於東海皇宮酒家,華社僑領,各團體負責人和知名人士近兩百人出席了活動。

此次電視週由中國國家廣播電視總局國際合作司,中國駐菲律濱大使館指導,福建省廣播電視局,泉州市委宣傳部主辦,泉州市文化廣電和旅遊局,菲律濱菲中電視臺(Chinatown TV),泉州廣播電視臺承辦。中國駐菲特命全權大使黃溪連,國家廣播電視總局國際合作司周繼紅一級巡視員,福建省廣播電視局張明生副局長,泉州市委常委,宣傳部長陳輝宗,菲律濱國家新聞部代理部代理部長Cheloy Garafil,菲律濱菲中電視臺台長施玉娥,菲華主要社團領導先後在啟動儀式上發表講話。

中國駐菲大使館李薇文化參贊,中國駐菲大使館新公處主任吳陳棋,菲律濱國家新聞部代理部長Cheloy Garafil,菲律濱菲中電視臺施玉娥台長,本會理事長謝國萬和華社有關社團領導為菲律濱會場啟動儀式擔任剪綵嘉賓。



上圖:理事長謝國萬與本會出席同仁向菲中電視台台長施玉娥致賀並合影留念(左起)陳華民,新聞部代理部長Cheloy Garafil,謝國萬,施玉娥,蔡金東。
