CFBCI President Mr. Stephen Sia led a delegation of leaders in a courtesy call with DTI Secretary Alfredo E. Pascual 菲華工商總會理事長謝國萬親率諸領導禮訪貿工部部長Alfredo E. Pascual並座談

The Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI), led by Chairman Mr. Stephen Sia, accompanied by President Emeritus Mr. Allan Wong, Executive Vice President Mr. Samuel Lee Uy, Vice Presidents Gerald Chan, Henry Lim, Paul Yeung, Vicente Co, and Vice Chairmen Richard Yao and Mason Ang, visited the head office of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in Makati City on last Tuesday morning, March 28.

They were warmly received by Secretary Alfredo E. Pascual and had a discussion in the Secretary’s office. The meeting was also attended by Ana Carolina Sanchez, Undersecretary of DTI, Blesila Lantayona (Regional Executive Bureau), Marcelita Alcantara, Director of DTI Capital Region, and Glenn G. Peñaranda, Assistant Director of DTI Foreign Investment Department.

During the discussion, the leaders of the Association briefed the Secretary about the Association's long-standing relationship with DTI, and the Association established the SME Center with the DTI as early as 2006. CFBCI have held many exhibitions to help local SMEs to bring their products to the market. Last May, CFBCI signed a letter of understanding with DTI-NCR to start a new cooperative relationship.

This year, we have developed a number of collaborative programs with DTI in charge of the National Capital Region, and our leaders said that we will continue to strengthen our cooperation with DTI to help increase national production and stimulate economic growth, in order to promote the development of local enterprises, especially SMEs.

In his speech, Secretary Alfredo E. Pascual thanked the Council for its long-standing cooperation and support to the Department of Trade and Industry. He also said that since President Marcos Jr. took office, he has attached great importance to economic development and has introduced a series of preferential policies to attract foreign investment. At the end of the meeting, the leaders of the Association presented the Secretary with a commemorative emblem and a special issue of the Association's 20th anniversary coffee table book.

菲華工商總會訊:本會於三月二十八日(星期二)上午在理事長謝國萬帶領下,由榮譽理事長黃拔來,執行副理亊長黃書瑋,副理事長曾國強、楊良田、林天德、許長泰,常務理事姚慶祕和蔡長城陪同一起前往貿工部(DTI)馬加智市總部,禮訪Alfredo E. Pascual部長,受到部長熱情接待,並在部長辦公進行了座談。一同參與座談的還有貿工部副部長 Ana Carolina Sanchez,副部長 Blesila Lantayona (地區執行局),貿工部首都區局長Marcelita Alcantara,貿工部國外投資局部長助理Glenn G. Peñaranda。


Alfredo E. Pascual部長在致詞時,感謝本會長期以來對貿工部的合作和支持。並表示總統小馬科斯就任以來,十分重視經濟的發展,出臺了一系列招攬外國投資的優惠政策,現貿工部在北京、上海、廈門、廣州等大城市都有事務處,希望本會能發揮華裔的優勢,邀請更多中國的企業家來菲投資,並將本國產品推廣到海外。會談中雙方互動良多,親切交流,最後本會領導向部長贈送紀念會徽和本會二十年特刊留念。


上左圖: Glenn G. Peñaranda部長助理, Alfredo E. Pascual部長,Ana Carolina Sanchez副部長, Marcelita Alcantara局長在座談發表講話。


中圖:向貿工部部長贈送本會會徽和本會慶祝成立二十週年紀念特刊(左起)許長泰,林天德,黃拔來,黃書瑋, Alfredo E. Pascual部長,謝國萬,曾國強,楊良田,姚慶祕,蔡長城。

下圖:(左起)許長泰,林天德,黃拔來,黃書瑋, Blesila Lantayona副部長, Ana Carolina Sanchez副部長, Marcelita Alcantara局長,謝國萬,曾國強,姚慶祕,楊良田,蔡長城。