CFBCI presents group category winners of Chess Tournament 二○二四「工商盃」國際象棋比賽新生佳音棋高一籌奪下團體雙冠軍

On 16 November 2024, the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI), in collaboration with the Eugene Torre Chess Foundation, held the 2024 CFBCI Chess Tournament at CFBCI Auditorium in Sky 1 Tower, Binondo, Manila.

The most-awaited tournament was joined by almost a hundred delegates from a total of 15 schools within and beyond Metro Manila, namely: St. Stephen’s High School, Philippine Cultural College, Tiong Se Academy, Inc., Hope Christian High School, Chiang Kai Shek College, MGC New Life Christian Academy, Manila Patriotic School, Inc., Quezon City Christian Academy, Bagong Silang High School, La Trinidad Academy, Grace Christian College, Philippine Malabon Cultural Institute, Sta. Elena High School, Aguinaldo Elementary School, and Ramon Magsaysay (Cubao) High School.

At 3:00 p.m., the games were done and the awarding ceremony was held with the presence of Honorary President Johnny Lee, Vice Chairman Henry Tiu, Vice Chairman Ramon Cheng, and Vice Chairman Linda Lao. Here are the overall winners of this year’s tournament in the Elementary Division: 1st Place – MGC New Life Christian Academy; 2nd Place – St. Stephen’s High School; and 3rd Place – Hope Christian High School. In the High School Division, the following schools dominated the rankings: 1st Place – MGC New Life Christian Academy; 2nd Place – St. Stephen’s High School; and 3rd Place – Grace Christian College.

The program successfully ended at around 4:00 p.m. Congratulations to these year’s winners and participants! Thank you for everyone’s support to this endeavor. CFBCI is looking forward to organizing this tournament again next year.

菲華工商總會訊:本會於十一月十六日(星期六)聯合尤金·托雷國際象棋基金會(Eugene Torre Chess Foundation)假本會八樓禮堂,舉辦二○二四「工商盃」國際象棋比賽,吸引十五所華校及菲公私立學校百餘位國際象棋好手齊聚一堂切磋棋藝。

參賽的學校計有:聖公會中學、僑中學院、中西學院、嘉南中學、中正學院、新生佳音學院、馬尼剌愛國中學、計順基督學院、靈惠學院、嗎拉汶文化書院及Bagong Silang、La Trinidad Academy、Sta. Elena High School、Aguinaldo Elementary School和Ramon Magsaysay (Cubao) High School。本屆賽事共分為二個組別,小學組(四年級至六年級)及初高中組(七年級至十二年級)。

所有參賽選手在歷經四個小時沉心靜氣,屏息凝神,步步為營,鬥智鬥勇的激烈賽事後,由各校選手積分決定團體賽名次,最終由棋高一籌的新生佳音學院隊勇奪本屆團體賽雙冠軍,聖公會中學隊亦不遑多讓,拿下團體賽雙亞軍,嘉南中學隊及菲律濱基督教靈惠學院隊分別斬獲季軍。隨即於下午四時舉辦頒獎典禮,由象棋特級大師Eugene Torre基金會秘書長Alex B. Marquez宣佈得勝名單,本會副理事長林天德,名譽副理事長李少平,常務理事莊南文、許有福、留牡丹,象棋特級大師Eugene Torre擔任頒獎嘉賓,向個人及優勝團隊頒發奬牌、獎章和獎金。茲將名次公佈如下:

冠軍—新生佳音學院隊:吳聰滿,蔡曉軒,迦勒,洪凱輝;由Simeon Co、Hubert Estrella、Rolando Nolte教練帶領,獲得冠軍獎牌、個人金牌獎章和獎金三千元。
亞軍—聖公會中學隊:陳志明,黃田豐,蘇澤元,黃貴萍;由Jason Rojo教練帶領,獲得亞軍獎牌、個人銀牌獎章和獎金兩千元。
季軍—嘉南中學隊:蔡一帆,蔡嘉民,吳義勇,陳偉勇;由Jayson Visca教練帶領,獲得季軍獎牌、個人銅牌獎章和獎金一千元。

冠軍—新生佳音學院隊:王欣欣,吳近平,鄭煥煒,楊思禮;由Simeon Co、Hubert Estrella、Rolando Nolte教練帶領,獲得冠軍獎牌、個人金牌獎章和獎金一萬元。
亞軍—聖公會中學隊:章天仁,蔡文順,梁智信,徐發權;由Jason Rojo教練帶領,獲得亞軍獎牌、個人銀牌獎章和獎金八千元。
季軍—菲律濱基督教靈惠學院隊:陳俊星,吳華強,洪真友,Mylo Donoven See;由Justin Corpin教練帶領,獲得季軍獎牌、個人銅牌獎章和獎金六千元。

中圖一:(左圖)本會副理事長林天德(右一),Eugene Torre大師(右四)及名譽副理事長李少平(左一)為小學組團體賽冠軍新生佳音學院隊選手:吳聰滿,蔡曉軒,迦勒,洪凱輝及Simeon Co、Hubert Estrella、Rolando Nolte三位教練頒贈冠軍獎牌、個人金牌獎章和獎金紅包。