CFBCI Plenary Member donates school supplies to Tabaco Pei Ching School in Bicol 菲華工商總會理事捐淡描戈培青中學學習用品

The Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) Metro Manila delegation visited the local Chinese school Tabaco Pei Ching School, which has a history of 103 years, in Albay, Bicol. Upon arrival, the delegation was greeted by a parade of students and teachers and was entertained by a luncheon hosted by the President of the Board of Trustees of the school, Mr. Antonio Tan, who is also the CFBCI’s Regional Director in Bicol. At noon, selected students of the school performed a wonderful cultural program.

Prior to the provincial visit to Bicol region, CFBCI has raised two million pesos and asked the leaders of the delegation to donate it to the school to help it rebuild after the strong typhoon. After the donation ceremony, our Plenary Member, Mr. Jacq Ferdinand Wong, agreed to donate school supplies to Tabaco Pei Ching School with the funds allocated by his father, Mr. Jack Wong. The donation was delivered to the school at the end of November. Teachers and students of the school expressed their gratitude to Mr. Wong for his generous donation.

