CFBCI organizes “Senior Health Awareness Seminar” featuring health experts in prostate, diabetes, and breast cancer 菲華工商總會訂期舉辦《中老年健康意識講座》誠邀:前列腺、糖尿病、乳癌三位醫學專家主講

Then and again, raising health awareness, especially, among the vulnerable members of our community including senior citizens shall be a priority. Health awareness helps early disease detection, empowering individuals to make informed health choices, reducing the burden of chronic diseases, and fostering a healthier society. Thus, the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) is inviting everyone to register and participate in its upcoming “Senior Health Awareness Seminar” on February 19, 2025, Wednesday, from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM at CFBCI 8th Floor Auditorium. In this seminar, the following three health experts will shed light on the topics of prostate health, diabetes, and breast cancer:

Dr. Jason Letran, M.D., a renowned urologist in the Philippines, graduated from University of Santos Tomas (UST) School of Medicine and was a Fellow in Urologic Oncology at the University of Washington School of Medicine in 1997. In 2003, he became the first urologist in the Philippines to perform cryosurgical ablation of the prostate for prostate cancer, and in 2010, he became the first urologist to perform Robotic Radical Prostatectomy for prostate cancer. He is currently the Head of Clinical Services Integration Department, Director of Robotic Surgery Center, and Director of Clinical Operations at Chinese General Hospital and Medical Center (CGHMC).

Dr. Shojberg Kho, M.D., a renowned endocrinologist in the Philippines, graduated from UST School of Medicine and completed his residency in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism at the State University of New York at Stonybrook, where he served as the Chairman of the Department of Internal Medicine and Director of Diabetes Center. At present, he works at UST Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, and specializes on diabetes and thyroid disease research.

Dr. Christian Ang, M.D., a renowned surgical oncologist in the Philippines, graduated from UST School of Medicine in 2009, where he also obtained his medical degree as an academic scholar at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery in 2013. In between surgical training, he completed his USMLE-ECFMG certification, allowing him to pursue fellowship training in Surgical Oncology at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York. He has multiple publications on renowned journals, focusing on cancer care in the Philippines. At present, he is affiliated with Chinese General Hospital and Medical Center, St. Luke’s Medical Center, and Cardinal Santos Medical Center.

The seminar is free and open to the public. Registration is now open until capacity is reached. Interested attendees may register directly by scanning the attached QR code or filling out an application form in person at the CFBCI Secretariat Office at 7th Floor, Sky 1 Tower, 68 Dasmariñas St., Binondo, Manila. We are open from from Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM, and Saturday, 9:00 AM to 12:00 NN. You may also register through phone at 8244-4991 / 8244-4996 or email us at

菲華工商總會訊:新冠肺炎疫情過後,健康已成為民眾最為關心的議題,尤其是中老年人;因此本會為了提升大家的醫學健康常識,訂於二零二五年二月十九日(星期三)下午一時至五時,假座本會八樓大禮堂,舉辦《中老年健康意識講座》(Senior Health Awareness Forum),並邀請菲律濱醫學界前列腺、糖尿病及乳癌三位醫學專家主講,歡迎華社注重中老年人身心健康的民眾踴躍報名參加。三位醫學專家簡介如下:

菲律濱著名泌尿科醫師(Dr. Jason Letran),畢業於聖湯瑪斯大學醫學院,一九九七年任美國華盛頓大學醫學院泌尿腫瘤學高級研究員,二零零三年成為第一位為前列腺癌進行前列腺冷凍手術消融治療的菲律濱泌尿科醫生,二零一零年他成為菲律濱第一位進行機器人輔助根治性前列腺切除術治療前列腺的泌尿科醫生,並於二零二一年榮獲馬尼拉雅典耀商學院健康工商管理碩士學位。現擔任中華崇仁總醫院暨醫學中心臨床服務整合部主任、癌症醫療中心主任,以及紅衣主教醫療中心泌尿科主任。

菲律濱著名內分泌科醫師洪森榮醫學博士(Dr. Shojberg Kho),畢業於聖湯瑪斯大學醫學院,在紐約州立大學石溪分校醫院完成內科住院醫生、內分泌學與新陳代謝學專科訓練,現擔任聖湯瑪斯大學醫院內科部主席、糖尿病中心主任及醫學院教授。

菲律濱著名外科醫師洪建興醫學博士(Dr. Christian Ang)畢業於聖湯瑪斯大學醫學院,並於外科培訓期間取得了USMLE-ECFMG認證,使他有資格在紐約的斯隆凱特蘭癌症紀念中心 (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center) 進行外科腫瘤學培訓。洪醫師在知名期刊《柳葉刀》和《外科學年鑒》上發表了多篇文章,專注於菲律濱的癌症護理,現在中華崇仁總醫院暨醫學中心、聖路加醫療中心和紅衣主教醫療中心等著名醫院行醫。

該醫學講座免費對大眾開放,報名工作已經陸續開始,名額有限,額滿為止。有意者,可直接掃附圖二維碼報名,亦可於週一至週五,上午九時至中午十二時、下午一時至五時,週六上午九時至中午十二時,通過電話報名,或親自到本會秘書處填表報名。本會地址:7th Floor, Sky 1 Tower, 68 Dasmariñas St., Binondo, Manila。聯絡電話:8244-4991、8244-4996;電子郵件。為了您與家人的健康,請把握機會,相互告知,踴躍報名參加。