CFBCI organizes picnic after the epidemic; a night out with family members in Tagaytay 菲華工商總會疫情後組織郊遊 同仁攜眷大雅台過夜其樂融融

After more than three years of surviving through the COVID-19 pandemic, the President of the Association, Mr. Stephen Sia, entrusted the Supervisor of the Young Entrepreneurs Committee and Vice President of the Association to organize a trip to Tagaytay in order to enhance communication and friendship among colleagues, deepen mutual feelings, and promote unity and cohesion. The hotel rooms at Tagaytay Royale Parc was generously provided for our colleagues to stay. After a lot of preparations, a two-day and one-night outing successfully commenced on October 1 and 2, 2022.

On the morning of October 1, with a beautiful breeze, a group of nearly 50 colleagues and their families drove to Royale Parc Hotel in Tagaytay in a happy and excited mood to start a memorable post-pandemic outing. After a sumptuous buffet lunch at the hotel's social hall, the afternoon was spent on a recreational activity for colleagues. That night, with a bright moon hanging in the sky and a cool autumn breeze, we enjoyed barbecue, cocktails, laughing and chatting in groups.

After a good night's sleep, on October 2, after having breakfast, everyone was in good spirits and set out for the beautiful Lake Tal volcano villa, located five minutes away from the hotel by car, where the Honorary Chairman was a guest. They all took out their cell phones and took selfies, group photos, or scenery photos from different angles. The beauty of the lake in front of us, together with the well-prepared Chinese and Western refreshments, was a sight to behold.

In the magnificent living room, there was a large photo frame with many photos of the Honorary Chairman’s initiatives back when he was the second president of CFBCI, and he introduced them to his young colleagues like a treasure. After saying goodbye to each other, everyone waved goodbye and drove back to Manila.

菲華工商總會訊:經過三年多的疫情,本會理事長謝國萬為了增進同仁間的交流與友誼,加深彼此感情,促進團結凝聚力,特囑託青年企業委員會督導、副理事長施茵茵籌備同仁郊遊聯歡會,得到副理事長曾國強的大力支持,慷慨提供其主有,位於Tagaytay Royale Parc酒店客房給本會同仁入住。在經過一番前期準備工作,於二零二二年十月一日至二日,成功組織同仁攜眷前往著名旅遊勝地大雅台,舉辦為期兩天一夜的郊遊。

十月一日上午,當天風和日麗,本會同仁與眷屬一行近五十人,懷著即愉悅又興奮的心情,驅車前往大雅台Royale Parc酒店,開啟一段令人難忘的疫後郊遊活動。中午在酒店聯誼廳享用豐盛的自助餐後,下午舉辦同仁遊樂聯誼,除了玩各種遊戲比賽外,並頒發鼓勵獎給獲得全勤的同仁,他們分別是:執行副理事長黃書瑋,副理事長曾國強、林天德,董事陳華民,常務理事黃志安,理事謝文炳、陳柏材。當晚一彎明月掛天空,吹著涼爽的秋風,在戶外享用香噴噴的烤肉,人手一杯雞尾酒或烈酒,三五成群,談笑風生,歡聲笑語此起彼伏,大家難得遠離城市喧囂,偷得浮生半日閑,真是別具一番滋味。


此次郊遊活動,除了副理事長曾國強贊助酒店客房外,理事長謝國萬贈送每位出席的同仁Buco Pie;備Air Purifier獎品給獲得全勤的同仁,並提供晚會威士忌酒。執行副理事長黃書瑋贈送印有本會會徽的自動折疊式雨傘給全體出席同仁。副理事長施茵茵送一台Landlite空氣清潔機多功能風扇給副理事長曾國強,感謝他贊助本次郊遊。副理事長林天德準備了W.L.零食給同仁享用。董事黃偉利亦帶烈酒一瓶。此次週末郊遊聯誼,凝聚團結,其樂融融,收穫滿滿,大家共同期盼下次更精彩的相聚活動。


上圖:在Royale Parc酒店外合影。



中圖三:理事長謝國萬向全勤同仁贈送Air Purifier(左起)謝文炳,陳華民,曾國強,陳柏材,黃志安,黃書瑋。
