CFBCI organizes Filipino-Chinese Friendship Day Rice Donation for poor residents in Manila 菲華工商總會慶祝第廿三屆「菲中友誼日」贈送千包愛心大米予基層社群推動國民外交

In 2002, through the initiative of the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI), Former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo has officially declared every June 9 of the year as the celebration of the “Filipino-Chinese Friendship Day.” Since then, CFBCI has been organizing a series of activities to commemorate this common holiday between Filipinos and Chinese people.

CFBCI President Samuel Lee Uy has been upholding the principle of giving back to the community hence the long roster of social welfare activities executed by the organization. In celebration of the 23rd Filipino-Chinese Friendship Day this year, CFBCI has organized a successful rice donation to showcase the genuine essence of the Filipino-Chinese Friendship Day: to extend a helping hand to those in need and give them hope for a brighter future.

In the morning of 09 June 2024, CFBCI facilitated the rice donation at the San Lorenzo Ruiz Plaza in Binondo through the benevolent cooperation with Mr. Jefferson Lau, Chairman of the Manila Chinatown Barangay Organization. At 10:00 a.m., a Ford Tractor Philippines, Inc. truck loaded with a thousand packages of 5-kilogram of white rice arrived at the distribution site. At least 20 officers and members of CFBCI were present to actively assist in the distribution. After unloading the packaged, the distribution began at 10:30 a.m. and benefited a total of 1,000 grassroots families in Binondo, Manila and neighboring communities.

CFBCI extends its immense gratitude to all its personnel and members who came to assist in the distribution and made the celebration of this year’s Filipino-Chinese Friendship Day more meaningful.




上午十時,一輛載滿一包包五公斤大米的菲律濱福特拖拉機公司(Ford Tractor, Philippines, Inc. )卡車抵達岷倫洛教堂前的花園口待命,馬尼拉華人區描籠涯組織主席劉少強、馬尼拉市政府華人區發展委員會主席蔡臻蔚及本會多位領導同仁:理事長黃書瑋,副理事長楊良田、陳華民,立案秘書吳恆利,常務理事許福星、洪海濱、留牡丹、莊南文、侯逸蘭偕公子許偉城、顏漢龍、葉啟龍及理事許啟敏,葉俊龍偕夫人龔華玉、許純維、楊錦程、佘玲玲、吳仲漁等人到場協助,經過一番卸貨整理,待一切準備妥當,於十時三十分開始向手持米券的民眾發放贈米,該贈米活動共惠及近千戶華人區及鄰近社區的基層家庭。

