CFBCI organizes Chinese Lantern Making Competition, 14 schools in Manila contend for championship 菲華工商總會「金蛇慶元宵 菲中永結好」燈籠製作比賽大岷區十四所公私立學校初高中生積極響應參賽發揮創意

In celebration of the Lantern Festival of the Year of the Wood Snake, and the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations Between the Philippines and China, the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) has organized a “Chinese Lantern Making Competition” on February 8, 2025, Sunday, at Hope Christian High School Gymnasium, in collaboration with the City Government of Manila, Manila Chinatown Development Council, Filipino at Tsino Magkaibigan Foundation, the Association of Filipino-Chinese Schools in the Philippines (AFCSP), Hope Christian High School, CHiNOY TV, and Chinatown TV.
Through the help of AFCSP, a total of 13 Chinese schools in the Third District of Manila participated in the competition. For the first time, a public school has joined the competition, with a total of 14 participating schools this year: Chiang Kai Shek College, Saint Jude Catholic School, St. Peter the Apostle School, Quezon City Christian Academy, Philippine Cultural College, Philippine Chen Kuang High School, Philippine Academy of Sakya, Hope Christian High School, St. Stephen’s High School, Philippine Malabon Cultural Institute, Philippine Cultural College – Annex, Pace Academy, Philippine Sun Yat Sen High School, and Jose Abad Santos High School.
To formally open the competition, a short program was held at 8:30 in the morning. CFBCI officers led by President Samuel Lee Uy attended the event as well as distinguished guests including Mr. Willord Chua, Chairman of Manila Chinatown Development Council, and Dr. Angeline Tan-Tiller, Principal of Hope Christian High School. In his speech, President Uy thanked Hope Christian High School for providing the competition a conducive and spacious venue. He also emphasized the essence of facilitating this competition: to promote Chinese culture and heritage, especially among young Chinoys and Filipinos.
In her message, Dr. Tan-Tiller shared the origins of the lantern-making tradition, and highlighted that this year’s competition was organized not only to celebrate the Lantern Festival, but also to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations Between the Philippines and China. Afterwards, Ms. Ellen Chong and Ms. Mexica Bausa announced the rules of the competition in Chinese and English languages. Following the program, the competition has officially started, and all the students have showcased their artistry and creativity in crafting their respective Chinese lanterns using various recycled materials. The competition lasted for four hours and ended at 1:30 in the afternoon.
At 2:00 PM, the judges have arrived at the venue to scrutinize the 14 lanterns. Five renowned personalities in culture and the arts were invited by CFBCI to lead the judging, namely: Mr. Dewey Tan, a calligraphy expert; Mr. Baldwin Kho, a visual artist and a humanitarian; Ms. Aileen Chiu, a renowned author; Mrs. Andrea Ong, a literary expert, and Mr. Manuel Kiwahko, a veteran painter.
菲華工商總會訊:本會為慶祝乙巳蛇年元宵節暨菲中建交五十週年,於二月八日(星期六)上午聯合馬尼拉市政府,馬尼拉華人區發展委員會,菲中愛心基金,菲律濱華文學校聯合會,嘉南中學,菲華電視台等單位假嘉南中學體育館舉辦「金蛇慶元宵 菲中永結好」燈籠製作比賽。
此次活動得到菲律濱華文學校聯合會的大力協助,大岷區共有十三所華校報名參加,今年首次邀請到公立學校參賽,共十四所學校:計順市基督書院、Abad Santos High School、僑中學院分校、中正學院、天主教崇德學校、嘉南中學、聖公會中學、培基中學、僑中學院總校、菲律濱佛教能仁中學、晨光中學、嗎拉汶文化書院、菲律濱中山中學及天主教培德中學。
理事長黃書瑋致歡迎詞時說,本會為慶祝二零二五乙巳蛇年元宵節暨菲中建交五十週年,聯合馬尼拉市政府華人區發展委員會及菲中愛心基金等單位共同舉辦「金蛇慶元宵 菲中永結好」燈籠製作比賽。在此感謝協助及響應這次比賽的各所華校,和Abad Santos High School師生,特別是嘉南中學提供寬敞的比賽場地,使這次的活動能夠順利進行。並講到元宵節點花燈一向是華人傳統習俗,本會為弘揚中華傳統民俗節日,培養學生對中國傳統文化的熱愛之情,再次舉辦燈籠製作比賽,希望能藉此機會激發年輕一代對文化藝術的興趣,讓華人民俗能夠傳承下去,繼續發揚光大,也希望這次參賽的學生們都能展現各自的實力,和在藝術文化方面的創意,讓賽事更加精彩,為今年的元宵佳節增添更多的傳統民俗文藝色彩,展現新面貌。
校長陳惠玲博士致詞時表示,本屆「金蛇慶元宵 菲中永結好」燈籠製作比賽,是一項非常有意義的活動,不但營造元宵節喜慶祥和的氣氛,還同時慶祝菲中建交五十週年,並且藉以喚起學生們對中國傳統習俗的熱忱,和文化技藝的傳承。陳校長說到,比賽必定有輸有贏,但是在藝術領域,是沒有輸贏的,鼓勵學生們發揮天馬行空的想像力,創造獨一無二的作品。蔡臻蔚主席也向大家闡述元宵節的由來,並指出,此次燈籠製作比賽除了慶祝元宵節外,最主要還是要慶祝菲中建交五十週年,期盼大家能夠踴躍參加馬尼拉市政府及菲中愛心基金所舉辦的系列慶祝活動。
莊玄良老師,菲律濱視覺藝術家和人道主義者,以宣導各種慈善事業而聞名,是第一個榮獲世界和平祈禱協會頒發和平杆的菲律濱華人,二零一一年被國際和平組織授予國際和平人道主義者,和平(Kapayapaan)國際兒童藝術節創始人,現擔任菲律濱華人歷史博物館(Bahay Tsinoy) 館長。