CFBCI organizes a year-end party for Pagharap sa Pangarap College Scholars 菲華工商總會為點亮未來受助生舉辦娛樂遊戲抽獎節目歡慶聖誕

On December 17, 2023, starting at eight o’clock in the morning, the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) facilitated a year-end party for the present beneficiaries and alumni of its Pagharap sa Pangarap College Scholarship Program. More than 160 scholars and alumni attended the joyous celebration at the eighth floor auditorium of Sky 1 Tower in Binondo, Manila.

The party was retro-themed and emceed by Ms. Angelica Cariaga and Mr. Ediver Dela Bajan who are both present scholars of CFBCI. The program opened with CFBCI President Stephen Sia’s heartwarming speech which encouraged everyone to continue upholding the values of humility, altruism, compassion, and perseverance.

The scholars presented creative tokens of appreciation to CFBCI, and their video greetings were shown on the screen. They also prepared a variety of exciting presentations like singing, dancing, and a small pageant, the “Mr. & Ms. CFBCI 2023,” wherein each candidate showcased their innovative costumes and shared their witty answers to tricky questions.

Afterwards, special awards such as “Best Video Award", “Best Performance Award", “Best Costume Award for Male and Female", “Early Bird Award", “Role Model Award", et cetera were presented to deserving winners. The scholars also enjoyed playing games interspersed with prizes that included a wide range of electrical appliances and gifts as well as ampaos.

At the end of the program, Executive Vice President Samuel Lee Uy delivered his closing remarks, thanking all the people who worked behind the scenes for this celebration. He also praised the recipients for their unique performances, which fully demonstrated their creativity, talent, and resilience in the past year. Lastly, he expressed his deepest appreciation to his colleagues for their enthusiasm in donating gifts to the recipients.

After the morning celebration, a sumptuous Christmas lunch buffet was prepared. Before formally closing the party, each attendee received gifts donated by CFBCI officials and members including food packages, calendars, stationery, et cetera, which made everyone return home with huge smiles on their faces.


節目由Angelica Cariaga和Ediver Dela Bajan擔任司儀,首先由理事長謝國萬致歡迎詞,他向全體學員送上節日的問候,並勉勵受助生們,要繼續相互激勵,堅持謙遜、利他主義、同情心和毅力的價值觀。永遠記住,本會將永遠支援你們的成功,並希望你們也能為其他人,尤其是那些有需要的同胞提供力所能及的幫助;所謂「贈人玫瑰,手留餘香」,你的善舉總會回報在你的生活。








上圖:(左起)謝國萬,黃書瑋,Angelica Cariaga和Ediver Dela Bajan分別致詞和主持。