CFBCI officials attend the 44th National Conference for Employers at Manila Hotel 菲華工商總會領導應邀出席 第四十四屆全國僱主聯合會年會

On behalf of the Chinese Filipino
Business Club, Executive Vice President Samuel Lee Uy and Corporate Secretary
Henry Go attended the two-day 44th National Conference of Employers
(NCE44) that was organized by the Employers Confederation of the Philippines
(ECOP). The conference, with the theme “Human Centered Transition for a Just
and Sustainable Workplace,” was held from June 27 to 28 at the Fiesta Pavilion
of Manila Hotel.


During the opening of the conference,
House Speaker Ferdinand Martin Romualdez delivered a keynote address titled,
“Enabling Legislations for Just and Sustainable Transitions.” The House Speaker
assured business leaders that the government is doing its best to foster a
healthy environment for businesses which is necessary in creating more jobs and
attracting more investments within and beyond the country.


The House Speaker emphasized that the
Congress is working hand-in-hand with the Marcos administration to stifle red
tape and further enhance the ease of doing business in the Philippines. Before
the adjournment of the First Regular Session of the 19th Congress,
the Congress has approved 33 out of the 42 proposals under the
Legislative-Executive Advisory Council (LEDAC).


The House Speaker also expressed his
utmost gratitude toward business leaders for their resilience amid the
struggles induced by the COVID-19 pandemic. He expressed admiration of their
fortitude at preserving their businesses which provide incomes to millions of


“On behalf of the 19th Congress and the
Filipino people, I express my heartfelt gratitude and admiration for your
courage and perseverance,” said Romualdez.


Lastly, the House Speaker said that he
is confident that a prosperous and resilient economy that will offer a brighter
future for Filipinos can be achieved through the collaboration of the Marcos
leadership, the Congress, and the ECOP.


菲華工商總會訊: 菲律濱僱主聯合會(ECOP)於六月廿七日至廿八日,假馬尼拉酒店的Fiesta Pavilion廳,主辦為期兩天的第四十四屆全國僱主會議。本會做為其會員之一,由執行副理事長黃書瑋和立案秘書吳恆利應邀出席參加。該屆主題:「以人為本的轉型,建設公正和可持續的工作場所」。大會第一天,由眾議長Ferdinand
Martin Romualdez




對這些為數百萬菲律濱人持續提供收入的企業所展現的毅力表示欽佩。他說 「我代表第十九屆國會和菲律濱人民,對你們的勇氣和毅力表示衷心的感謝和欽佩。」最後,眾議長表示,他相信,通過馬科斯政府、國會和菲律濱僱主聯合會的合作,可以實現繁榮和有彈性的經濟,為菲律濱人民提供一個更光明的未來。





上左圖:黃書瑋,吳恆利與眾議長Ferdinand Martin Romualdez(右一)握手言歡。

上右圖:黃書瑋(左)和菲律濱僱主聯合會主席Edgardo Lacson合影。

下左圖:(左起)EMS集團公司主席兼總裁Ferdinand “Perry” A. Ferrer,黃書瑋,菲律濱僱主聯合會會長Sergio Ortiz
Luis, Jr.
,菲律濱工商總會前會長Albert Fenix博士合影。

下右圖:吳恆利,菲律濱僱主聯合會副會長張孚超George Barcelon,菲律濱商業銀行創辦人,亦是本會常務顧問蔡其仁(右)合影。