CFBCI Metro Manila Delegation visits Poso Mula sa Puso projects in three municipalities in Isabela 菲華工商總會巡訪團深入伊沙迷拉省向三個市地區推展「愛心水井」方案

The Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) visited their Poso Mula sa Puso – Artesian Well projects in the afternoon of July 25 in the municipalities of Cauayan, Alicia, and Roxas. At present, at least twenty (20) artesian wells were donated and constructed by CFBCI in Isabela which are expected to benefit more than 200 households.

In the afternoon, due to the onslaught of Typhoon Egay, members of the Metro Manila delegation, led by local colleagues and Barangay Kagawad Pol Perez, have to endure the heavy rain, muddy and slippery country roads.

Holding umbrellas and braving the pouring rain, the delegation walked along the rugged roads and reached the impoverished areas, mountains and fields with great excitement to witness and visit the artesian wells donated to the local residents and farmers. The delegation was warmly welcomed by the residents who expressed their sincere gratitude to the Organization.

The residents were all smiles, telling us how much their quality of life has improved thanks to the hand-pumped water wells. The members of the delegation were extremely pleased.

Over the years, with the full cooperation of local colleagues in Isabela Province, CFBCI’s Poso Mula sa Puso program was first launched in 2004 to reach out to poor areas and install hand-pumped water wells to solve the problem of water shortage, and to help improve sanitation and the quality of life of the residents. The program has benefited areas in Southern Luzon, Northern Luzon, Central Luzon, and other areas in the country.

The project has been well received and more than 300 wells have been constructed all over the country. The project has been well received by all parties concerned, and CFBCI has been receiving letters of requests from local communities that actively promote the project. In the near future, more wells will be constructed in the cities of Aurora and Burgos in the province of Isabela to better serve our kababayans in need.

菲華工商總會訊:本會伊沙迷拉省巡訪團於七月二十五日下午前往該省Cauayan、Alicia和Roxas三市,巡視並移交手泵深水井,推展「愛心水井」方案(POSO MULA SA PUSO – Artesian Well Project)。本會這次共捐贈二十多個「愛心水井」,預計惠及兩百多戶居民。

當天下午,由於颱風來襲,大雨滂沱,鄉間小路,泥濘濕滑,巡訪團成員在當地同仁及描籠涯成員Pol Perez的帶領下,手持雨傘,冒著瓢潑大雨,走在崎嶇小路上,興致勃勃地深入貧困地區,山間田野,見證及移交「愛心水井」給當地居民和農民,受到男女老少的熱情歡迎,並向本會表示了誠摯的感謝。看到這些居民臉上洋溢著笑容,訴說著因為有了本會贈送的人力手泵水井,生活品質改善良多。巡訪團成員們都感到無比欣慰。


上右圖:(左起)由副理事長楊良田,副理事長林天德,描籠涯成員Pol Perez代表移交愛心水井。
下圖:巡訪團成員及當地同仁一起移交農田旁的一口愛心水井(左起)黃培堂,黃金龍,洪振山,鄭奕偉,楊良田,施茵茵,描籠涯成員Pol Perez,黃書瑋,謝國萬,顏漢龍,林天德。