CFBCI Metro Manila delegation visits museum in Cebu City, meets Mandaue Chamber of Commerce 菲華工商總會宿務巡訪參觀博物館與曼達維商會領導層舉行交流會談

The Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) Metro Manila delegation arrived in Cebu City on November 10, Friday. The delegation was then accompanied by CFBCI Cebu representative Juan Tee. After a sumptuous lunch, the delegation visited one of Cebu’s oldest museums, the 1730 Jesuit House. Rich in Philippine history, this cultural structure is located in the former business district of Parian. It is owned by Jaime Sy, a Filipino-Chinese businessman.

According to the seal engraved at the original entrance of the building and some old photos, Mr. Sy discovered that the house was once inhabited by the Jesuits in the 1700s. When the delegation entered the historic house, they were filled with nostalgia as they looked at antiques and historical relics displayed inside including old fans, radios, telephones, cameras, and so on, as if they were back in their grandparents’ time. With the amazing tour guide’s help, they were able to get a glimpse of the past.

In the afternoon, members of the delegation met with the leadership of the Mandaue Chamber of Commerce and Industry: Keli Ko, President; Mark Anthony Ynoc, Vice President; Walter Ong, Director; Marlene G. Bedia, Executive Director; and Barbara Tan, Secretary, at the Bai Hotel Café. The short meeting paved the way for a productive exchange of ideas and discussion of future collaborations.

The Mandaue Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI) is a business organization comprised of nearly 500 micro to large enterprises, most of which are located in Mandaue City, the industrial hub of the province of Cebu, and its members are mostly young entrepreneurs who are active partners of the Cebu Provincial Government and the local government of the City of Mandaue.

The delegation Cebu City included: President Stephen Sia, Executive Vice President Samuel lee Uy, Vice President Gerald Uy Chan, Vice President Paul Yeung, Vice President Jocelyn Johanna See, Director Antonio Tan, Vice Chairman Gregorio Lagamayo, Plenary Member Lili Lagamayo, and members of the Secretariat Ellen Chong, Judith Tan, and Mexica Bausa.

菲華工商總會訊:本會的外埠巡迴訪問團成員於十一月十日(星期五)抵達宿務市,下午在地區理事鄭宗傑的陪同下,參觀了宿霧最古老的博物館之一耶穌會博物館(1730 Jesuit House)。這是一個私人博物館,一座蘊藏著豐富菲律濱歷史的建築,這座文化建築位於帕里安(Parian)的前商業區。它的主人是菲律濱華裔商人海梅‧施(Jaime Sy)。最初施先生打算將這棟建築改造成倉庫,在挖掘地面時,發現了一些硬幣和陶瓷等,他才意識到這裡擁有豐富的歷史文化價值,所以改變主意,保留了它,並改造成博物館。

根據印在建築物原入口處的印章,和神父所著的書中一些William Repettu的舊照片,施先生發現這棟房子曾經是 1700 年代耶穌會的總部。它的歷史可以追溯到明朝(1368 – 1644)。當巡訪團成員進入耶穌會博物館,參觀裡面陳列的古董和歷史資料,看著舊式電風扇、收音機、電話、攝影機等等,都彷彿一下子回到爺爺們的時代,充滿懷念,隨著講解員的解說,一窺歷史的面貌,就像上了一堂難忘的十六世紀歷史課。

下午巡訪團成員與曼達維工商會(MCCI)領導成員:理事長Keli Ko,副理事長Mark Anthony Ynoc,董事Walter Ong,常務理事Marlene G. Bedia,秘書Barbara Tan,假Bai Hotel咖啡廳,就雙方的合作交流舉行了會談。曼達維工商會是一個商業組織,由近五百家微型到大型企業所組成,大部分企業位於宿霧省工業中心曼達維市,成員大多是青年企業家,是宿霧省政府和曼達維市地方政府的積極合作夥伴。本會外埠巡迴團,旨在加強與全國各地華商之間的聯繫,交流經驗,增進友誼,同時促進大岷區與外省華商的商業合作與往來,提升國家經濟的繁榮發展。此次與曼達維工商會的會談,雙方受益匪淺,期待不久的將來,能共同合作,發展機遇。

本會這次前往宿務市的巡迴訪問團成員有:理事長謝國萬,執行副理事長黃書瑋,副理事長曾國強、楊良田、施茵茵,董事杜祖蔭、陳華民,常務理事許福星偕夫人陳莉莉,秘書處成員蔡艷霞,吳宛盈和Mexica Bausa。

上圖:宿務巡訪團成員參觀1730 Jesuit House博物館。
下圖:與曼達維工商會領導成員會談後,贈送本會徽章和二十週年紀念特刊合影留念(左起)陳莉莉,許福星,曾國強,Walter Ong董事,Barbara Tan秘書,Mark Anthony Ynoc副理事長,黃書瑋,Keli Ko理事長,謝國萬,陳華民,Marlene G. Bedia常務理事,楊良田,施茵茵,杜祖蔭。