CFBCI Metro Manila delegation visits Ford Tractor and Landlite branches in Cebu 菲華工商總會外省巡迴訪問團第五站抵宿務參觀 FORD TRACTOR, LANDLITE

The Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) Metro Manila delegation, led by President Stephen Sia, Executive Samuel Lee Uy, Vice President Gerald Chan, Vice President Paul Yeung, Vice President Jocelyn Johanna See, Director William Rogando, Director Antonio Tan, Vice Chairman Gregorio Lagamayo, his wife, Plenary Member Lili Lagamayo, Chinese Secretary Ellen Chong, Engager Judith Tan, and Liaison Officer Mexica Bausa, arrived at Cebu City in the morning of November 10th, and was warmly received by their local colleagues from Cebu Province led by Mr. Juan Tee. The group was given a tour of Cebu City and had a sumptuous lunch at the House of Lechon, a famous Filipino restaurant in Cebu City.

In the afternoon, the delegation visited the Cebu branch of Ford Tractor Philippines, owned by Executive Vice President Samuel Lee Uy, “a company that imports and distributes agricultural machinery, implements, and spare parts, and supplies about 70 percent of the Ford tractor parts in the Philippines, making it one of the leading brands in the agricultural machinery industry.”

Afterwards, they visited the local branch of Landlite, which is owned by Vice President Jocelyn Johanna See. Established 21 years ago, Landlite offers a wide range of residential and commercial lighting and fixture options. Being the first to introduce LEDs to the market, the company is committed to providing quality and reliable products.

The brand can be found in all major stores, with 170 retail locations nationwide and growing year by year, Landlite lighting is high quality and stylish, and is a trusted brand in various fine-dining restaurants, resorts and five-star hotels.
菲華工商總會訊:本會的外埠巡迴訪問團由理事長謝國萬帶隊,團員:執行副理事長黃書瑋,副理事長曾國強、楊良田、施茵茵,董事杜祖蔭、陳華民,常務理事許福星偕夫人陳莉莉,秘書處成員蔡艷霞,吳宛盈,Mexica Bausa,一行十二人,於十一月十日(星期五)上午搭乘菲航抵達宿務市,獲本會在當地的同仁宿務地區理事鄭宗傑機場迎接。巡訪團遊覽了宿務市容,中午在當地著名菲式餐廳House of Lechon享用佳餚。
下午參觀了執行副理事長黃書瑋所主有的Ford Tractor宿務分行,該公司主要以進口和分銷農業機械、機具和備件,供應菲律濱約百分之七十的福特拖拉機零件需求,是農業機械化產業的領導者之一。
中圖:參觀Ford Tractor公司。
下圖:參觀Landlite公司合影。(坐者左起)鄭宗傑,曾國強,謝國萬,黃書瑋。後排(左起)Mexica Bausa,陳莉莉,吳宛盈,許福星,陳華民,楊良田,施茵茵,蔡艷霞,杜祖蔭。