CFBCI Metro Manila delegation leads Isabela Business Forum attended by local colleagues and Chinese businessmen 菲華工商總會赴伊沙迷拉巡訪團 與當地同仁及華商舉行座談聯誼

The 10-member Metro Manila delegation of the Chinese Filipino
Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI), led by President Stephen Sia, Executive Vice
President Samuel Lee Uy, Vice President Henry Lo Lim, Vice President Paul
Yeung, Vice President Jocelyn Johanna See, Vice Chairman Edwin John Ty, Vice
Chairman Ramon Uy, Vice Chairman Daniel Chu, Chinese Secretary Ellen Chong, and
English Secretary Mexica Bausa, arrived in Cauayan, Isabela on July 23, 2023
and was warmly welcomed by their local colleagues and Chinese businessmen.


During their three-day stay, the Organization facilitated
several visits with the aim of revitalizing ties with Chinese businessmen within
the province, exchanging experiences and fostering friendships, as well as
promoting the economic prosperity between Isabela and the provinces.


On the evening of July 25, the delegation held a seminar at
the Maximilian Hotel where President Sia delivered a heartwarming opening
remarks. He thanked the local Chinese businessmen and Chinese associations for
their long-term support and assistance to CFBCI which enabled its programs to
be carried out smoothly in the province of Isabela. He also invited all of them
to attend the 14th National Biennial Convention to be held in February next
year. Afterwards, EVP Uy shared the progress of CFBCI Pagharap sa Pangarap
College Scholarship Program.


VP Lim, VP Yeung, VP See, former Mayor of Aurora City William
Uy, and Winster B. Pua, President of the Board of Directors of the Filipino-Chinese
Cagayan Chamber of Commerce also spoke at the meeting.


Isabela Managing Director Mr. Paulino D. Ang introduced the
local colleagues and leaders of the chambers of commerce present and reported
on the various programs implemented by CFBCI in the local community.


Ms. Chong, the emcee, introduced the members of the
delegation and narrated the works of CFBCI in recent years.


The seminar was attended by local colleagues and esteemed
guests including the incumbent Mayor of Burgos City, Isis Dominique T. Uy; former
Mayor of Burgos City, her husband Kervin Uy; and Philippine Lam-an Association,
Inc. Permanent Honorary President, Leoncio Tan.


Also present are members of Cauayan Filipino-Chinese Chamber
of Commerce, Magat Filipino-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Ilagan
Filipino-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Inc., and Cauayan Filipino-Chinese
Volunteer Fire Brigade.


During the seminar, all of them spoke enthusiastically to
each other, deepening the cooperation in the community, and future plans to
foster more effective social service programs in Isabela.


菲華工商總會訊:本會的外省巡迴訪問團一行十人,由理事長謝國萬帶隊,執行副理事長黃書瑋,副理事長楊良田、林天德、施茵茵,常務理事鄭奕偉、朱肖華,理事顏漢龍,中文秘書蔡艷霞和英文秘書Mexica Bausa,於七月二十三日造訪伊沙迷拉省,獲得本會在伊沙迷拉省的同仁與當地華商的熱情歡迎。本會定期舉行外埠巡迴訪問,旨在加強與全國各地華商之間的聯繫,彼此交流經驗,增進友誼,同時亦將促進大岷與外省經濟的繁榮發展。


二十五日晚,本會巡訪團在下塌旅社Maximilian Hotel會議廳舉辦座談聯誼。座談由本會理事長謝國萬首先致詞,他感謝當地華商、華人社團長期以來對本會的大力支持和協助,使得本會的各項方案得以在伊沙迷拉省順利推展,同時邀請各位同仁出席明年二月本會即將舉行的第十四次全國會員大會。執行副理事長黃書瑋介紹本會「點亮未來」教育方案的運行,副理事長楊良田、副理事長林天德、副理事長施茵茵、Aurora市前市長黃樞珩、郊亞鄢菲華商會理事長潘祖培紛紛發言。本會伊沙迷拉常務理事洪振山介紹出席的當地同仁及各商會領導,並報告本會在當地實施的各項方案。秘書蔡艷霞主持座談會,介紹巡訪團成員,及闡述了本會近幾年來所開展的各項工作和社會服務專案的執行情況。


出席座談會的當地同仁、貴賓和商會有: Aurora市前市長黃樞珩William UyBurgos市華裔市長鄭雅勻Isis
Dominique T. Uy
和其夫婿Burgos市前市長黃清河Kervin Uy、菲律濱南安同鄉總會永遠名譽理事長陳光曦、郊亞鄢菲華商會、怡省馬艾區菲華商會、依拉岸菲華商會、菲律濱南安同鄉總會東北呂宋分會、依拉岸中華學校董事會、怡省郊亞鄢菲華志願消防隊等當地華商會員舉行座談。成員分別是許家璧,洪振山,黃培堂,黃金龍,潘祖培,潘培利,黃碧奇,陳清琪,陳山黎,潘漢民,黃海聰,潘子遊,潘項水,黃良德,黃雙燕,呂祥榮,黃文偉,黃柏森,林美玲,陳國棟王大發,黃海比,黃志勇,黃敬龍,黃種源,潘宏榮,陳前龍,黃宏志,潘文明,冼金忠,黃金盾,黃明賢 ,賴家玉,黃澤峯,潘遠輝,洪文章,洪發展,黃僑藝









