The Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) delegation led by President Stephen Sia visited Central Luzon in the morning of July 12 (Wednesday) and was warmly received by CFBCI colleagues from Angeles, Pampanga, San Fernando, and Tarlac provinces and municipalities. At noon on that day, the delegation hosted a lunch at Fortune (Hong Kong) Seafood Restaurant to have a discussion with their local colleagues and representatives in the business sector.
President Sia firstly delivered a speech, thanking the local colleagues and Chinese businessmen for attending the seminar, hoping that they could speak freely and actively put forward their suggestions, and also inviting them to attend the upcoming 14th National Biennial Convention to be held in February next year.
Over the years, with the cooperation of local colleagues and chambers of commerce, the Organization has been carrying out a number of programs to serve the community, including disaster relief and poverty alleviation, etc., which have been well received by the local political and business sectors.
The business forum was highly appreciated by the Chinese business community in the city, and they discussed in depth the trend of the Philippine political situation, the implementation of our social service programs, and the challenges faced by the Chinese community. During the seminar, the participants interacted with each other in a joyful and enthusiastic atmosphere.
菲華工商總會訊:本會的外省巡迴訪問團於七月十二日(星期三)上午造訪中呂宋區,在抵達Angeles時獲得本會Angeles、Pampanga、San Fernando、Tarlac各省市的同仁熱情接待。是日中午,本會外省巡訪團假當地馥苑(香港)海鮮酒家設午宴與當地同仁和商界代表進行座談聯誼,本會理事長謝國萬首先致詞,他感謝當地同仁和華商能撥冗出席座談會,希望大家能暢所欲言,積極提出建議,並邀請當地同仁出席明年二月本會即將舉行的第十四次全國會員大會。本會執行副理事長黃書瑋,Angeles地區理事朱海庭,San Fernando地區理事王國揚,Tarlac地區理事王榮躣分別發言,副理事長曾國強和副理事長林天德亦致詞。秘書蔡艷霞主持座談會,介紹出席的同仁,及本會近期的活動情況。
本會巡迴訪問團成員包括理事長謝國萬, 執行副理事長黃書瑋,副理事長曾國強、林天德,常務理事鄭奕偉、林文龍,理事黃清秒、留牡丹、王輝益、顏漢龍。
中呂宋區Angeles市出席座談會的當地同仁有:朱海庭,鄭騰煜,李炳南,顏文輝,陳華強,蔣建華,蔣振繁;當地華商和華校教師:王碧花,郭秀問,陳長堤,蔡世典,傅榮椿,黃鴻達,王俊傑,鄭志欽,許文雅,陳培旋,吳小慧,黃明燕,田燦等。Pampanga、San Fernando同仁有:王國揚,吳永祥,施加陵。Tarlac同仁有:王榮躍,吳明泉,朱遠健,姚向東,朱遠望。
右上圖:本會出訪領導與中呂宋區代表同仁合影(前排坐者左起)林天德,曾國強,黃書瑋,謝國萬,朱海庭,王榮躍,王國揚。(後排左起)秘書處聯絡吳宛盈,林文龍,留牡丹,鄭奕偉,王輝益,顏漢龍,蔡艷霞,秘書處英文外交Mexica Bausa,黃清秒。
下圖:本會領導與Tarlac、Pampanga、San Fernando出席同仁、華商合影。