CFBCI meets National Press Club of the Philippines for future collaboration 菲華工商總會黃書瑋偕同仁禮訪菲國家記者會雙方就緩解菲中關係進行深入交流並達成共識

On 15 July 2024, the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) arranged a courtesy meeting with the officers of National Press Club of the Philippines including its current President, Mr. Leonel Abasola; former President, Ms. Lydia Bueno (2022-2024); and former President, Mr. Benny Antiporda (2010-2012, 2012-2014). The meeting was held at the national headquarters of NPC in Intramuros, Manila.

After getting to know each other, the two parties proceeded to a productive and insightful discussion on the significant role of media in propagating the truth. “The government is asking us to build bridges, to act as ambassadors of goodwill,” said Antiporda. President Samuel Lee Uy expressed the willingness of the organization to collaborate with NPC to enhance the access of Filipinos on accurate and dignified journalism.

The National Press Club of the Philippines (NPC) is a professional and social organization of journalists in the Philippines that was incorporated on October 29, 1952 through the initiative of newspaperman Teodoro Valencia, who became its third president in 1955. With immense pride, Antiporda narrated the stories behind every nostalgic photograph displayed in the hall of NPC, each of which is a testament to the dedication of journalists in upholding press freedom.

During their discussion, the West Philippine Sea dispute was taken into consideration and the two parties have agreed that diplomacy and continuous efforts to assist the government in promoting social welfare among our disadvantaged brothers and sisters are the best ways through which hatred can be extinguished. President Samuel Uy and other officers of CFBCI pledged their commitment towards propagating the altruistic character of the Tsinoy community and reaching out to more Filipinos in need. “Basta tayo, tulong-tulong tayo,” Antiporda said in agreement.

The education project of CFBCI, Pagharap sa Pangarap College Scholarship Program, was also discussed, and CFBCI was glad to hear about the NPC’s scholarship program that caters to the educational needs of journalists. With similar goals, the two parties intend to work together in order to help more poor youth achieve their dreams using the power of education. The meeting was followed by a sumptuous merienda courtesy of NPC.

菲華工商總會訊:本會理事長黃書瑋偕同副理事長楊良田,董事曾煥眉,立案秘書吳恆利,常務理事吳治平、莊南文及西文秘書梅西卡,於七月十五日(星期一)下午,前往位於馬尼拉市王城區的菲律濱國家記者會(National Press Club of the Philippines簡稱NPC)會所進行禮訪,受到現任會長亞巴素拉(Leonel Abasola),前會長布依諾 (Lydia Bueno)、吳世杰 (Benny Antiporda)等人的熱情歡迎及接待,雙方就媒體人報導新聞所扮演的重要角色進行交流。



菲律濱國家記者會是本國歷史最悠久、規模最大的媒體組織,於一九五二年十月廿九日在新聞記者特奧多羅.巴倫西亞(Teodoro Valencia)的倡議下成立。該會一直在盡最大努力證明,記者不僅擅長寫作或廣播,他們最引以為豪、最大的特質是對國民的愛,用自己的專業為國家社會發展貢獻自己的一份力量。

上圖:菲律濱國家記者會贈送紀念徽予本會領導。(前排左起)NPC董事JR Reyes, Lydia Bueno, Leonel Abasola,黃書瑋,楊良田,DWWW774電台播報員Gina Mape。(後排左起)吳世杰,NPC董事Aya Yupangco,NPC秘書Mina Navarro,吳治平,曾煥眉,吳恆利,莊南文。