CFBCI joins the two-day 45th National Conference of Employers organized by ECOP 菲華工商總會黃書瑋偕同仁出席第四十五屆全國僱主聯合會年會

On June 25, 2024, Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) officers led by President Samuel Lee Uy attended the two-day 45th National Conference of Employers, organized by the Employers Confederation of the Philippines (ECOP), at the Manila Hotel. CFBCI is deeply honored to become a part of this conference where fruitful conversations are made on how technology has changed “work dynamics alongside global shifts like climate change and globalization" and other relevant topics.

President Samuel Lee Uy, Honorary President Stephen Tan Sia, and Corporate Secretary Henry S. Go attended the first day of this year's conference with the theme, “Job Generation in a Technology-Driven Environment," which was formally opened with the statements of Mr. Edgardo G. Lacson, Chairman of ECOP, and Mr. Sergio Ortiz-Luis, Jr., President of ECOP. It was also graced with outstanding and impactful speakers including His Excellency Franz-Michael Skjold Mellbin, Danish Ambassador to the Philippines, who delivered an excellent speech that focused on strategies to break barriers to transform the Philippines into a preferred investment destination.

Moreover, Mr. Sangheon Lee, Director of the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Employment Policy, Job Creation and Livelihoods Department, presented mega-trends and their significant impacts on investment, national employment and sustainability during the first plenary session. He emphasized the immediate need to create more decent jobs in the Philippines with better skills and working conditions. CFBCI President Samuel Lee Uy agrees to his stance as more job opportunities will lead to a thriving nation where Filipinos do not have to go abroad chasing jobs away from their families.

In the second half of the conference, President Samuel Lee Uy, Director William Rogando, and Corporate Secretary Henry S. Go gained rich insights from reputable agencies that spearheaded impactful discussions including the International Organization of Employers (IOE), National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), and the Department of Labor and Employment National Capital Region (DOLE-NCR). All in all, the conference ended successfully and everyone has attained abundant learnings and forged new friendships from various sectors.

Forty-five years ago, the Employers Confederation of the Philippines (ECOP) held the first National Conference of Employers and has been continuing this tradition up to the present. Organizations like CFBCI widely support this conference as it commits to building strong relationships among companies, employees, and governments, both local and national, to promote decent work and liveable wages enhance the global competitiveness of the Philippines.

菲華工商總會訊: 菲律濱僱主聯合會(ECOP)於六月廿五日至廿六日,假馬尼拉酒店Fiesta Pavilion宴會廳,主辦為期兩天的第四十五屆全國僱主會議。本會做為其會員之一,由理事長黃書瑋、名譽理事長謝國萬、董事杜祖蔭及立案秘書吳恆利等人代表出席。該屆主題:「科技為先驅的環境中創造就業機會」。

第一天會議,由菲律濱僱主聯合會主席Edgardo G. Lacson及理事長Sergio Ortiz-Luis, Jr.分別先後致歡迎詞。大會主賓丹麥駐菲大使Franz-Michael Melbin閣下,則是向大家分享如何將菲律濱轉變成首選投資國等策略。

隨後,國際勞工組織就業政策、創造就業及民生發展處長Sangheon Lee在第一場會議中,向大家講解菲律濱投資及國家就業的趨勢,並強調,當務之急是在菲律濱創造更多的就業機會,且提供好的技能和工作環境條件。

本會理事長黃書瑋對Sangheon Lee處長的講演內容表示贊同,並表示,有更多的就業機會,將會為國家帶來繁榮和昌盛,且菲律濱人也不需要離開家人到國外工作。



上左圖:(左起)謝國萬,丹麥駐菲大使Franz-Michael Melbin閣下,黃書瑋,吳恆利。
上右圖:(左起)黃書瑋,菲律濱僱主聯合會會長Sergio Ortiz Luis, Jr.與會賓客,第四十五屆全國僱主聯合會組委會主席Rhoda Caliwara,菲律濱僱主聯合會主席Edgardo Lacson,吳恆利,謝國萬。
下左圖:(左起)吳恆利,菲律濱工商總會前會長張孚超George Barcelon,黃書瑋,謝國萬。
下右圖:(左起)黃書瑋,吳恆利,勞工部長Bienvenido Laguesma,杜祖蔭。