CFBCI joins massive charity event in Alegria, Cebu 菲華工商總會配合宿務地區同仁聯合當地四個慈善團體向弱勢族群送愛心

The Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) has long been committed to charity work and caring for the unprivileged. On May 24, 2024, CFBCI Cebu Chapter facilitated a successful charity event in partnership with four local organizations namely: Club 888, Thursday Club, Curbada de la Maria Mountain Resort, and Butuan Centennial Lions Club. More than 1,000 donation packs including rice, biscuits, slippers, toys, and reading glasses for the elderly were distributed.

CFBCI Jocelyn Johanna See, Genice Tan, Lydia Yongco, and Mayor Gilberto F. Magallon of the municipal government of Alegria, Cebu were present at the event to assist in the distribution. The distribution activity was well organized with the help of the local officials and residents. All the people who received the supplies were very happy of the gifts and went back to their homes with immense gratitude.

After the distribution, CFBCI Vice President See and Cebu Chapter members conducted the Philippine flag donation turnover with Mayor Magallon.

菲華工商總會訊:本會長期致力於熱心公益事業,關懷弱勢族群;這次由本會宿務地區同仁林勤盛、林南泰等人策劃發起,組織聯合該市Club 888、 Thursday Club、Curbada de la Maria Mountain Resort及Butuan Centennial Lions Club四個慈善團體,於五月廿八日(星期二)下午,向宿務省阿萊格里亞市(Alegria, Cebu)的老幼群體發送愛心物資,共惠及一千餘弱勢民眾。 該一千多份愛心物資包括:大米、餅乾、拖鞋及玩具;另還特別邀請驗光師為當地老年人免費配老花眼鏡。

本會副理事長施茵茵,同仁林勤盛、Genice Tan,四個慈善團體負責人Lydia Yongco醫生及阿萊格里亞市長Gilberto F. Magallon醫生等人均出席,並現場協助物資發放工作。當天的發送活動,現場人山人海,由當地描籠涯成員協助,過程井然有序,每位領取完物資的民眾都對本會的愛心贈與滿懷感恩,並心滿意足地離開,活動圓滿成功。

發放工作結束後,副理事長施茵茵代表本會贈送嶄新國旗予阿萊格里亞市市長Gilberto F. Magallon。市長代表市民感謝本會及Club 888、Thursday Club、Curbada de la Maria Mountain Resort、Butuan Centennial Lions Club的慈善義舉,表示受惠者均為當地最需要幫助的弱勢民眾,並期盼日後能夠繼續支持阿萊格里亞市政府的各項活動,同時感謝本會為慶祝獨立節所贈送的嶄新國旗,對本會領導同仁的愛國熱忱予以肯定。