CFBCI joins Manila’s magnificent fireworks display to welcome the arrival of the Year of the Wooden Dragon 菲華工商總會謝國萬率諸領導出席 岷市除夕跨年煙花喜迎甲辰龍年到

On behalf of the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc., President Stephen Sia, Honorary President Alejandro Co, Executive Vice President Samuel Lee Uy, Director Antonio S. Tan, Director William Rogando, and Corporate Secretary Henry Go, graced the New Year’s Eve fireworks display organized by the City Government of Manila and the Manila Chinatown Development Council. The massive fireworks show was held at the historic Jones Bridge on February 9, 2024 and was attended by hundreds of citizens of Manila and nearby cities.

John Marvin “Yul Servo" Cruz Nieto, Vice Mayor of Manila; Wang Yue, Counselor and Consul General of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Philippines; Bernardito Ang, City Administrator of Manila; and representatives of major Chinoy organizations in Manila were also present to celebrate the arrival of the Year of the Wooden Dragon.

As the countdown to the Chinese New Year ended at zero o’clock, fireworks were set off from the Filipino-Chinese Friendship Bridge. The fireworks, accompanied by music and lights, were dazzling and brought a new audiovisual enjoyment to the audience. The audience took out their cell phones to share the beautiful fireworks show with their friends and relatives through online live streaming.

The fireworks display lasted for nearly 10 minutes and the colorful fireworks are believed to bring good luck to the Lunar New Year. The attendees congratulated each other and wished everyone good health, greater peace, and prosperity whole year round.

馬尼拉市副市長尼耶道(John Marvin “Yul Servo" Cruz Nieto),中國駐菲律濱大使館王悅參贊兼總領事,馬尼拉市府行政官洪英鐘,馬尼拉市政府華人區發展委員會主席蔡瑧蔚,及各主要僑團代表,均到場共襄盛舉。



上圖:本會理事長謝國萬(右一)與副市長John Marvin “Yul Servo" Cruz Nieto(左四)、王悅參贊兼總領事(左三)等嘉賓在觀禮台上合影。