CFBCI Isabela members facilitate ground-breaking ceremony of Poso Mula sa Puso Project 菲華工商總會「愛心水井」方案繼續捐依沙迷拉省BURGOS市人力手泵水井動土

Since its establishment in 2004, the Chinese Filipino Business Club, Inc. has extended assistance to remote communities in need of clean water supply through its Poso Mula sa Puso Project. By funding the construction of artesian wells, CFBCI is able to help hundreds of families living in poor areas all over the country.

On April 2, 2024, members of CFBCI in Isabela Province have facilitated the groundbreaking ceremony that marks the construction of six artesian wells in the municipality of Burgos in the presence of Mayor Isis Dominique T. Uy (proudly wearing the official CFBCI uniform). This is in addition to the donation of 20 artesian wells spread across the municipalities of Cauayan, Alicia, and Roxas in Isabela which have benefited more than 200 households.

Mayor Uy extended her deepest gratitude to the organization for its kind gesture and hoped that CFBCI will continue to support the municipality of Burgos. The “Poso Mula sa Puso" was founded in 2004 in cooperation with local governments to set up hand-pumped water wells in poor areas to help the underprivileged to solve their water problems and to improve their quality of life. With over 300 artesian well projects throughout the country, CFBCI continues to reach out to communities in need of assistance.

菲華工商總會訊:本會長期關懷偏遠地區民眾用水問題,推展「愛心水井」方案(POSO MULA SA PUSO– Artesian Well Project),惠及貧瘠地區居民。今年三月本會舉辦新舊換屆,馬上迎來依沙迷拉省的第一個福利方案,繼去年七月在本會依沙迷拉省當地同仁的全力配合下,向該省Cauayan、Alicia和Roxas三市,捐贈了二十多個「愛心水井」,惠及兩百多戶居民後,行善不停歇,再接再厲,於四月二日,向依沙迷拉省Burgos市繼續捐贈六口人力手泵水井,幫助當地民眾解決用水問題及改善衛生環境,由本會當地同仁及Burgos市華裔市長鄭雅勻(亦是本會董事鄭奕偉令媛,本會同仁)共同舉行簡單的象徵式動土儀式。


