CFBCI in collaboration with the Table Tennis Association for National Development and Robinsons Mall holds 2023 Table Tennis Cup 菲華工商總會與菲華乒聯、羅賓遜商場聯合舉辦2023年《工商盃》桌球邀請賽隆重開幕

CFBCI in collaboration with the Table Tennis Association for National Development and Robinsons Mall holds 2023 Table Tennis Cup 菲華工商總會與菲華乒聯、羅賓遜商場聯合舉辦2023年《工商盃》桌球邀請賽隆重開幕

In celebration of the 22nd Filipino-Chinese Friendship Day, the Chinese-Filipino Business Club, Inc. (CFBCI) together with the Table Tennis Association for National Development (TATAND) and Robinson Mall organized the “2023 Table Tennis Cup", which was grandly opened at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 3 at the Otis Robinsons Mall in Manila.

This was the eleventh edition of the tournament since 2009. This year, there is a large number of teams participating which were divided into four categories: Open, Amateur, Alumni and Provincial.

The opening ceremony was attended by esteemed guests from known sports institutions including the Philippine Olympic Committee, Manila Sports Council, and Philippine Sports Commission.

In his opening speech, Mr. Stephen Sia, President of CFBCI, encouraged the athletes to develop the spirit of sportsmanship and to seriously strengthen their training in order to improve the standard of table tennis in the country. He also wished all the participating teams and players to overcome all the difficulties in the tournament and to perform at a high level to achieve good results.

Mr. Charlie Lim, Honorary President of TATAND, and Paul Ediver Dela Bajan, a recipient of the Pagharap sa Pangarap College Scholarship Program, introduced the guests and acted as emcee, respectively.


開幕典禮當天,菲律濱奧運委員會主席唐以年(Stephen C. Hontiveros)出席開幕式並致詞祝賀,菲華乒乓聯合會副理事長王偉明、菲律濱桌球總會前主席吳文彬、菲華體育總會會長陳友民(亦是本會名譽顧問)、菲華乒乓聯合會名譽會長林海利、黃承嶺等貴賓出席。


當天由菲律濱桌球總會名譽會長林海利及本會「點亮未來」受助生Paul Ediver Villa擔任司儀,介紹出席貴賓與主辦單位的領導人,執行副理事長黃書瑋帶領參賽運動員宣誓,副理事長曾國強宣佈比賽開始。隨後由出席貴賓和本會領導人,分別主持開球儀式。



上小圖:(左起) 謝國萬,唐以年(Stephen C. Hontiveros), 黃書瑋,曾國強,林海利分別致詞主持之影。

中圖一:本會領導和出席貴賓合影(前排左起)林海利,吳文彬,蔡金東,陳友民,唐以年,謝國萬, 黃書瑋, 曾國強,陳華民,洪海濱。(後排左起)吳奕賢,吳治平,顏漢龍,柯仁義,謝榮全,莊南文,王偉明,許有福,蔡清景。

